COMM 296 – 09/03/2013 – Blog Response to Daniel Brum on Gamification

On the blog of the Canadian Marketing Association, Daniel Brum addressed on March 6th the development and benefits of Gamification as a tool for marketers wishing to reinforce the relationship between customers and brands.

Gamification as such has been around for a long time but the more recent development of smartphones and social media represents an opportunity for extension and gives to gamification a new potential. It involves interaction and participation as well as gaming mechanics, motivation and feedbacks. Typical gaming mechanics include Continue reading

COMM 296 – 23/02/2013 – “Musical Potties”

Let me have fun today by introducing to you the amazing “Musical Potties”… 🙂 Personal Fest is a notorious music festival happening every year in Buenos Aires, Argentina since 2004. It is a great success and it gathers tens of thousands of people every year. It is organized by the mobile phone company Personal. Everyone has a wonderful time during the entire festival except when they have to go to… the bathroom. The organizers of Personal Fest understood this sad and universal reality of festivals. Here is a 2 minutes long video showing you how they solved this issue:

Amazing isn’t it? There are costs involved of course but what I really like in this entire enterprise is their will to reach “perfection”; to Continue reading