From the category archives:


NIGERIA: Supreme court reinstates sacked academics

by E Wayne Ross on August 3, 2009

Detroit’s Schools Are Going Bankrupt, Too

by E Wayne Ross on July 27, 2009

NEW ZEALAND: Research performance moves worry union

by E Wayne Ross on July 26, 2009

Philadephia: Teachers union targets Moore

by E Wayne Ross on July 3, 2009

Wisconsin Academics Get Expansive Bargaining Bill

by E Wayne Ross on July 1, 2009

A backdoor approach to the merger of the AFT and NEA

by E Wayne Ross on June 12, 2009

Florida State Grads Say Yes to the Union

by E Wayne Ross on May 6, 2009

Ontario: Faculty group to fight university shutdown

by E Wayne Ross on April 27, 2009

AAUP: Online Education Based on ‘Slave Labor’

by E Wayne Ross on April 23, 2009

Montana State U profs vote to unionize

by E Wayne Ross on April 16, 2009

Washington: Budget cuts revive AAUP chapter at WSU

by E Wayne Ross on April 13, 2009