Instructional Video 1, Photosphere #4, Arriving in the alpine meadow.
In response to the question posed near the end of the video, with climate change, “will these trees invade the alpine meadows upslope?”, the answer is complex. Have a look at the following blog discussion by Memorial U. Geography Prof, Carissa Brown, and follow up on the references therein.
Instructional Video 2, Photosphere #5, Ascending the scree slope.
Instructional Video 3, Photosphere #8, Long-lasting snowpacks along the north-facing valley wall.
Additional background information to the BC’s different alpine zones, filmed in Manning Park:
Drone footage of the north side of the valley at the end of the tour. Photosphere 9 (last scene)
Drone footage of the south side of the valley at the end of the tour. Photosphere 9 (last scene)