
alternatively, Myosotis alpestris  subsp. asiatica Vestergr.

Common name: Alpine forget-me-not

Family: Boraginaceae

Information: Pakistan to Butan. 3000-4300 m. Open slopes

Photo: K. Hewitt. location, date, elevation, TBD


Sources and additional resources:

Flora of Pakistan Flora of Pakistan. Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed on Jun. 2020.

Polunin, O. and A. Stainton (1999). Flowers of the Himalaya. Oxford University Press, Delhi. Entry 988 (p. 283).

WFO (2021): Myosotis alpestris F.W.Schmidt. Published on the Internet;
http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000368013. Accessed on: 17 Jul 2021