Arenaria spp.
Tentative: Arenaria sp. Alternatively or Saxifraga sp? Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photo: Ghondoghoro Glacier, ca. 4350 m. K. Hewitt,…
Tentative: Arenaria sp. Alternatively or Saxifraga sp? Common name: Family: Caryophyllaceae Information: Photo: Ghondoghoro Glacier, ca. 4350 m. K. Hewitt,…
Common name: Long leaved tansy Family: Compositae Information: Open slopes; common in Kashmir (Polunin and Stainton 1999) Photo: Ghondoghoro Glacier,…
Common name: Lousewort Family: Orobanchaceae (formerly Scrophulariaceae) Information: Photo: Main: Ghondghoro Glacier, ca. 4700 m. K. Hewitt, 2008. Middle: Shingchukpi…
Common name: Family: Information: Photo: Ghondghoro Glacier, ca. 4850 m. K. Hewitt, 2008. Sources and additional resources:
Common name: Family: Information: Photo: Ghondghoro Glacier, ca. 4850 m. K. Hewitt, 2008. Sources and additional resources:
Notes: may be Saxifraga stenophylla Royle or S. mucronulata Royle Common name: Saxifrage Family: Saxifragaceae Information: Photo: Top: near Ghondoghoro…
May be Taraxacum aereum V.Soest. [Thalle Valley species, sensu Dr. S.W. Khan’s opinion] Common name: Himalayan dandelion species Family: Compositae…
Species with yellow blossom Updated nomenclature: species is a synonym of: Potentilla crantzii (Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch (WFO 2021) Leaf…
Common name: Pedicularis sp. Family: Scrophulariaceae Information: Ghondoghoro Glacier, ca. 4800 m, 35° 35′ 7″ N, 76° 22′ 21″ E; 35.585278, 76.3725. …
Common name: Family: Information: Photo: Ghondghoro Glacier, ca. 4800 m. K. Hewitt, 2008. Sources and additional resources: