This Self-directed Knowledge Café is a self-directed discussion board set up for the APFN 0006 Forest Resource Management and Protection. It is a platform to encourage you to share and expand your experiences, ideas and field observations with respect to each course module. You can post your insights, comments, inquiries, and feedback about the topics to other participants of the course.
General Information
Forum Folders
The following forum folders can be found under Q&A link on the Knowledge Café platform.
self_intro: to post self-introductions
q&a_general: to post and answer general questions for the course
q&a_m1t1: to post and answer questions for Module 1 Topic 1
q&a_m1t2: to post and answer questions for Module 1 Topic 2
q&a_m1t3: to post and answer questions for Module 1 Topic 3
q&a_m2t1: to post and answer questions for Module 2 Topic 1
q&a_m2t2: to post and answer questions for Module 2 Topic 2
q&a_m2t3: to post and answer questions for Module 2 Topic 3
q&a_m3t1: to post and answer questions for Module 3 Topic 1
q&a_m3t2: to post and answer questions for Module 3 Topic 2
q&a_m3t3: to post and answer questions for Module 3 Topic 3
q&a_m4t1: to post and answer questions for Module 4 Topic 1
q&a_m4t2: to post and answer questions for Module 4 Topic 2
q&a_m4t3: to post and answer questions for Module 4 Topic 3
social: to chat and networking with peer participants
poll: to take polls or poll others
announcement: to read instructor announcement
other: to read posts not categorized in the above mentioned folders
Signup Link:
Note: This is a third party application and all data supplied to this application is hosted outside of Canada.
Access Code: