How to get started | To get started with the course, click on ‘Start Here’ tab located at the top.
Navigate your way through ‘Start Here’ and look into ‘Welcome to the course’ video, ’Meet your instructors’ and look up ‘Course website tour’ |
Where to find course syllabus, schedule, etc. | To find course information go to ‘Overview’ tab. Navigate through Overview Menu to learn about the following:
How the course is structured | This course consists of 4 Modules; each Module is further divided into 3 topics. The typical Module learning sequence in this course is:
How to navigate the course site | To navigate through the course click on the ‘Module’ tab in the top menu and navigate your way through each module using left menu to access Module Introduction, Objectives Topics, and Module Summary.
Once you select a topic on the left, you can navigate your way to background information, video lectures, additional resources, and self-test through Topic top menu. |
What are required assignments for a learning module? | The required assignments for each module include self reflection tests and activities for each topic.
To take online self-tests or reflection activities go to each topic and then selft-test. e.g.
What to keep in mind while working on a learning module? | We recommend following the designed learning sequence in each topic (firstly read background information, secondly view video lectures, thirdly read additional resources, and fourthly complete self-test). i.e.
We strongly recommend taking the Modules in order (1,2,3,4) without skipping any, as this will help you to understand the course better. |
How to keep on track | To keep on track follow the Course Schedule located in Overview menu |