Five (seven) questions on The Master and Margarita.
1. Why is the book organized the way it is? (split narration, different stories)
2. Why is Margarita’s second wish (rather than the first) for the Master? (282-284)
3. Archibald Archibaldovich appears once to bail Koroviev and Behemoth out, and then promptly sets the building they were in on fire. What purpose does he serve? (354-358)
4. Why does the novel end with an epilogue? The rest of the book, as novels usually do, shows what happens. The epilogue is a shift to telling. Why does Bulgakov do this?
5. When Margarita’s husband leaves for a business trip, “no one could prevent her from thinking what she like or dreaming what she liked” (220). What prevents her from doing that when anyone else is around? What does that say about what her married life is like?
I wrote these five before today’s (Wednesday’s) seminar. Here are two more that came up today:
6. Why don’t Margarita and her husband have any children?
7. Why doesn’t the master have a name while Margarita does?