Teaching Spotlight – Analyzing How Students Process Questions On Exams

Alyssa Gutierrez is a 4th-year student in the Combined Major in Science Program concentrating on Life Sciences, Computer Science, and Earth & Environmental Science, with a keen interest in teaching & learning, among many things. In Spring 2020 (pre-COVID-19 disruption) Alyssa put her biology and coding skills to good use to help instructors gain insight …

Mid-course Reflection: It’s Time to Check-in with These 3 People

By Christine Goedhart We’re about a month into this unique fall term of remote teaching. Congratulations on getting to this point! You probably had to try out some new structures, technologies, and techniques to be able to teach your course in a virtual format this term. You are now far enough into the course to …

Fourteen Recommendations to Create a More Inclusive Environment for LGBTQ+ Individuals in Academic Biology

Members of the LGBTQ+ community face unique challenges in academic biology settings. This month’s Interesting Read features an article that describes 14 literature-based recommendations for biologists to be more inclusive of LGBTQ+ individuals. Recommendations include practical tips for implementation and are organized into the following categories: 1) Be thoughtful about the language used regarding the …

TA Spotlight – Isaiah Box

I completed my BSc in zoology at the University of Guelph. While I was there, I did an honours project under Nick Bernier on the stress physiology of larval zebrafish exposed to high environmental ammonia. This work inspired me not to work with fish going into grad school. I then started my master’s in zoology …

Peer Tutor Spotlight – Nafeesa Alibhai

Nafeesa is in their 4th year of completing an Honours BSc in Integrated Science at UBC, focused on genetics, physiology, and neuroscience. Nafeesa is also a member of the UBC Neuroscience Club (UNC), Climate Justice UBC (formerly UBCc350), the Climate Hub at UBC, and sings in SARGAM UBC. They serve as a mentor for UNC …

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