There’s a lot to do when getting ready to teach a course. It can be overwhelming to stay on top of everything, make sure nothing is forgotten, and get it all done before you enter class on that first day. To help you stay organized, the following checklist lays out important items to review, prepare, create, schedule and establish to set up an enjoyable course experience for you and your students this term. See how many you can check off before the term begins!
Interactive checklist available in PDF or Google Doc format
Note: Items are not listed by sequence or importance. Feel free to check them off in any order you’d like. Also, this list is neither universal nor definitive – there are probably additional items that you would include, and some that might not apply to your context. If this is the case, please modify your copy of the list so that it meets your needs.
Are there other items that you would like to see added to this list, or any additional resources that you found helpful when completing the items on this list? If so, I’d love to hear about them! Please share in the comment section below.