Archive for the 'Life' Category

A Hot Red Week

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Reference requests rushed in last week. Asian Studies’ new year party attracted many people. I could only stood at the back for a short time. A white student asked for some ghost stories from Ming so he could compare with Liao Zhai. I just assumed he wanted English translation, until he confirmed that he really […]


Sunday, January 15th, 2012

本来这里的冬天就不冷,而今年尤其如此。 阳光灿烂的日子很多。但是又有几位同行朋友离开。沁沁已经荣获西安大略大学的职位,朱磊乔迁硅谷,黄祺也将告别温哥华。假期忙着给他们送行,心中难免有些失落。但是,我们不都随着工作四海为家吗?收到他们的来信或者电话,语气中已经没有了最初的惆怅。 龙年将至,祝那些在温哥华相识相知的朋友们过得更好!

Hua Mulan’s Home Town, 11/04/2011

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

Thanks to Wuhan Library’s arrangement, we left skyscrapers and heavy traffic behind us, drove into a village–Da Yu Wan (大余湾). The retired library head, Mr. Yu, in Huangpi, Hubei Province, entertained us proudly with his own rhymes about his and Mulan’s hometown. It’s a well-known historical place with a mountain, a river and a lake […]

Donation to the Orphanage, 10/11/2011

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

First thing we did in China was to visit this orphanage in Fangshan District of Beijing city. Respresenting the Society, along with our vendor, Ms. Zhang Ying’s company, we donated new books to the lovely children and their loving care givers.


Friday, November 4th, 2011

武汉市馆的开幕式上,陈传夫突然低声说, 黄老师走了。 培训的事就在眼前, 各位领导还在讲话, 我却忍不住走出了报告厅。徐鸿和我在厦门黄老生日那天想打电话祝寿,可是很晚都没人接电话。刚到武汉就听到噩耗,走廊里魏主任看出了我的异常,我说只是需要安静地怀念一下我的老师。 我高考那年是黄老师代表武大到北京招生的。受〈女大学生宿舍〉的影响一心想上武大,第一志愿新闻系,第二才是图书馆系。高考成绩比我想像的高出不少,满以为这辈子会当上记者,不料到了武汉, 出席的是图书馆的迎新会。 黄老师找到我, 说是他看到我的成绩,主动把我录取到图书馆专业。新闻系刚成立,无法与图书馆系相提并论。我当时实在不能理解这一生就如此注定了。现在想来,黄老师的决策和教诲至关重要。遗憾的是我不能参加他的葬礼,但是我回来了,是反馈培育过我的导师和我度过4年青春岁月的城市。 黄老师,您的话都应验了。 我以身为您的学生为荣,我知道您也为我骄傲!

Launch a Career, where?

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Last night’s event lasted much longer than it was scheduled. I was impressed by our international students who all spoke fluent English, experienced the globalization and about to launch their career world-wide. The French guy raised the good question on how to make his experience in Canada transferable. Chatted with a few students from Ukriane, […]

What a life!

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Zhang Ying (颖) has lost her fight with cancer. I am so shocking and sad loosing this young professional friend. She not only helped us and our users with publications from China, was the first one providing us with MARC records, taught us the publishing trends, but also influenced us with her passion for life […]

Comrade Zhang

Friday, February 12th, 2010

I was at the busy ref desk when I saw his smiling face. He proudly brought me his West Canada Weekly. This is the first time I saw Xiaomeng after he graduated. 略显消瘦的小萌自己创业,义无反顾地离开了我们的行业。他在闯荡中已经对温哥华内外的政商两界非常了解。春节前能见到这位老弟很高兴,而且今后本地媒体又多了自己人。我马上对他说,亚洲馆50周年的广告问题就由他解决了。年轻就是本钱呀!

Best Chinese New Year Gift!

Monday, February 8th, 2010

While I try hard to recover from the nasty flu, I had a terrible car accident over the weekend. My new SUV is not drivable! The old gentleman who hits my car seems to be ok, and lucky enough I am OK. I felt sorry and guilty for not getting together with the local librarian […]

Big Sisters

Friday, November 13th, 2009

ASIST年会把武汉大学的学姐们带来了温哥华。机场迎接了徐鸿和胡承仁大姐,到家她俩惊喜地发现校友先生。我们四个晚餐吃得很忙,聊的都是珞珈山下的故事,以及遍布全球的校友们。忙碌的工作和家务曾经有割裂过去的感觉,相聚唤醒了那段铭刻心底的青春岁月。 当年,黄宗中老师到北京招生,看到我第二志愿是图书馆系,就大笔一挥改变了我的一生。当他在迎新大会上告诉我实情的时候,他注意到了我的眼泪吗?现在回想起他的湖南普通话很亲切。如果不是他,我会有华大的奖学金吗?会享受参考咨询的辉煌年代吗?我现在会…? 周末载徐鸿周游大温,虽然不免会谈到工作,但更多的是人生。人到中年,走南闯北,人生历练足够写出长篇,不变的是在武大校园里就已造就的价值观。没有必要反问自己,“假如重新来过”云云。 Hong‘s still in town, Jane came from Texas, asking me to meet in Hyatt, ASIST’s conference site. Heather is coming this weekend from Montreal. Maybe, Danny the next. Good to know so many good friends. Lingbo just sent me something sweet, as if she knew what I’ve been up to: GOOD FRIENDS […]

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