In the past few years, E-cigarette became very popular among smokers. Many people choose to smoke E-cigarette because they think it is less harmful than traditional cigarette and the vapour coming out from the E-cigarette does not smell. Recent research observations show that from 2012 to 2013 usage of E-cigarette increased by 3 times (10.6% to 38.5%) (1). This E-cigarette burns juice, the mixture of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavours, and nicotine (by choice); the amount of nicotine in the juice can be customized.
What are the effects of E-cigarette to our body? Well, many people try E-cigarette to quit smoking because one can get some sort of smoking feeling with controlled amount of nicotine in it (2) and they think it is less . However, long-term usage of E-cigarette (with nicotine) can make users more nicotine dependent (1). The results from he research done by Borderud et al. were quite shocking. They observed total number of 1074 cancer patients who were enrolled in a tobacco treatment program and found out that E-cigarette users were more likely to develop thoracic and head or neck cancers.
Currently, E-cigarette is used as alternative for tobacco or used as a smoking-cessation tool. Most of E-cigarette users have made quit attempts; nearly half of the people reduced nicotine use or quit smoking tobacco for period of time (3). However, many side effects of long-term use of E-cigarette are still unknown. Therefore, if you want to quit smoke, just stop smoking .
These are the short videos about danger of E-cigarette
Source: DNews
Source: foxnewstest
-SungHoo Jegal
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