We Found Life in a Hopeless Place

What characteristics come to mind when one imagines a planet capable of supporting life? One would probably think of modern-day Earth: with our nice liquid water, plate tectonics, and comfy atmosphere, it’s a pretty sweet place to live, 2016 US election cycle notwithstanding. But there’s no denying our dear mother Earth has mellowed out over the years: the geological era spanning Earth’s infancy – lasting from the time of its formation approximately 4.6 billion years ago to around 4 billion years ago – is called the Hadean eon (after the Greek god of the underworld), and for good reason. During this period, the Earth’s crust was unstable, its surface was partially molten and constantly bombarded by other celestial objects, and its atmosphere was thick with gases toxic to most organisms today.

An artist's concept of the young Earth being bombarded by asteroids.

Artist’s impression of Hadean Earth. Image Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab; Attribution: CC BY 2.0

Scientists long believed that the beginning of life on Earth could not have occurred during this hellish, inhospitable period of the planet’s history – that Hadean Earth was too molten, too devoid of liquid water to support life. The beginning of life was instead speculated to have occurred 3.8 billion years ago, within the Archean eon (the geological era directly following the Hadean) during which Earth had cooled such that the crust and by extension, liquid water oceans, could actually exist in a form stable enough to allow for life to form.

That is, until 2015.

Analysis of 4.1-billion-year-old zircon crystals – in other words, originating from the Hadean era – though preliminary, has cast doubts on the depiction of early Earth as being desolate and lifeless.

Jack Hills, Australia - where the Hadean zircon crystals were found. Image Credit: NASA image by Robert Simmon, based on Landsat data provided by the Global Land Cover Facility

Jack Hills, Australia – where the Hadean zircon crystals were found. Image Credit: NASA image by Robert Simmon, based on Landsat data provided by the Global Land Cover Facility; Attribution: Public Domain

You see, these zircon crystals act as miniature time capsules of sorts – they captured some surrounding material during their formation that was then preserved as impurities in the crystals. Upon studying the contents of these impurities, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles discovered something startling – a form of carbon almost exclusively associated with organic matter, specifically photosynthetic life. The kicker? Researchers have concluded that the carbon is even older than the 4.1-billion-year-old zircon that houses it.

So what does this mean for our understanding of Earth’s history, as well as life and its beginnings? Well, for geologists, these “traces of life” might indicate that the Hadean era may not have been as fire and brimstone as once believed – that Earth might have cooled down earlier than previously predicted. For biologists, these traces might indicate that life can be supported in conditions harsher than once thought possible. For yet others (particularly those interested in extraterrestrial life), the possibility that life could have arisen on Earth so soon after its formation invites thoughts that are excellently summarized by the reaction of another scientist in the same field of study: “if life arose relatively quickly on Earth … then it could be common in the universe.

~ Kimberly Truong

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