Author Archives: taleenilat

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

A growing percentage of college students do not sleep enough because of many reasons. Some students are taking too many credits and participating in different extracurricular activities. Other students have to work for hours to pay for their school. Although college students can shorten their sleep time and save the time for other activities, they are supposed to realise that they should not do it. A recent published scientific article, Partial sleep deprivation activates the DNA damage response (DDR) and the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in aged adult humans, has shown that insufficient sleep is linked to cell damage which may contribute to an increased risk of chronic disease. Another study, The influence of sleep deprivation and obesity on DNA damage in female Zucker rats, has indicated that prolonged and regular sleep deprivation can kill up to 25% of certain brain cells on those mice in the experiment. Sleep deprivation is associated with genetic damage in brain cells in some levels to human beings. Since the damaged brain cells require a long time to heal, college students are supposed to get enough sleep on a regular basis to ensure their brains can have a good rest.

What causes lack of sleep?

Some people do not realise the importance of adequate sleep, so they choose to stay up late to socialise or watch television shows. For individuals who are busy with work, frequent travelling tends to disrupt their regular sleep circles. Moreover, health problems such as snoring, sleep apnoea can disturb people’s sleep many times during the night. People who have these problems always wake up without feeling rested or refreshed. The sleeping environment is another factor that has the effect on sleep. People usually are not able to sleep well if their bedrooms are too hot or too cold or they have noisy neighbours. Some life habits can also be disruptive. For example, drinking coffee or listening to electronic music close to bedtime make people sleep less likely.

By Mikael Häggström. When using this image in external works, it may be cited as follows: Häggström, Mikael. "Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014". Wikiversity Journal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.008. ISSN 20018762. (All used images are in public domain.) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Effects of Sleep Deprivation. Häggström, Mikael. “Medical gallery of Mikael Häggström 2014”. Wikiversity Journal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.008. ISSN 20018762. (All used images are in public domain.) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons. Image from

Consequences of insufficient sleep

Poorer health condition is the price of inadequate sleep.  Researcher have indicated that obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and frequent mental distress are associated with sleep loss. Also, lack of sleep impairs people’s performance. People who need eight hours sleep per night only get six, they have the poorer concentration on their daily work comparing to their peers. For students who give up sleep and study for the whole night, they are less likely to get better grades because sleep loss slows their reaction time and makes them have poorer memory.

Sleep tips

Research shows that students who sleep more get better grades. I have some advice for college students and adults who suffer sleep loss. You may drink warm water or milk before you go to bed. Warm milk helps people fall asleep and sleep better. You can also remove distractions in the bedrooms such as game players or computers, and shut down all digital devices while sleeping. Last, try not to consume too much alcohol or caffeinated beverages hours before bedtime.  

Please watch the video below and check how sleep deprived you are.

Video credit to:

Xi Chen


Suicide Statistics: Why men are more likely to commit suicide?

Last month, I read a scientific article, “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study”[1], published in the Community Mental Health Journal. This study was led by UBC nursing professor John Oliffe and his team, and I was interested in discovering more about this field. Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between suicide and mental illness. Although past statistics report lower rates of depression among men than women. In most countries, the suicide rate for men is three times higher than the rate for women. Hence, I want to find out reasons behind high suicide rate for men.

Suicide Rate by Sex, 2014 Suicide Rate by Sex Graphic

Data Source: National Vital Statistics System-Mortality(NVSS-M), CDC/NCHS; Bridged-Race Population Estimates, CDS/NCHS and Census. [4]

My first hypothesis is that men are not active to seek for external help when they are mentally ill. There are different help for mental illness, such as therapy groups, counselling services or prescribed treatments. Some researchers have said that women are more willing to tell their friends how they feel or seek for external help when they get depressed. On the contrary, men are more likely to deal with their problems by themselves because it is difficult for the men to express their feelings. Since these external treatments can help people eliminate or reduce their suicidal thought, men have a greater probability of attempting suicide than women do.


Another hypothesis is that men are more impulsive than women. Scientific study has shown that men take fewer things into account before they take action. For example, men tend to get themselves drunk before they attempt suicide, and they cannot make thoughtful decisions with the unconscious mind. Since most men do not care about the consequence of their suicides, they will not make decisions with properly thinking. Moreover, when men actually commit suicide, they use violent methods that do not allow the second rescue. Many women prefer the methods that are able to preserve their appearance. However, men do not have any preference so they tend to choose firearms or hanging, which lead to fatality directly. For instance, in the UK, 58% male choose hanging, strangulation or suffocation to end their life.
I think that mental illness has a negative impact on both men and women. It is important for people to visit their physicians regularly or join in suicide prevention programs when they have extreme suicidal thoughts. Since men have more intention to commit suicide, we should care more about our male friends or family members than before, and I hope suicide rate will decrease in future.



  1. Oliffe, John L., et al. “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study.” Community mental health journal 52.3 (2016): 302-310.
  2. Wall Street Journal. “College-Counselling Centres Try to Reach More Men.” Online video clip. Youtube. Youtube, 21 September  2015. Web, 9 October 2016.
  3. Watchwellcast. “For Those Considering Suicide.” Online video clip. Youtube, 13 May 2013. Web, 9 October 2016.
  4. Suicide Rate by Sex 2014. Digital Image. Health People 2020. A Federal Government Web site managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 • © 2014. Web, 10 October 2016.

Xi Chen