Tag Archives: Earthquakes


Robots build after cockroaches will save lives

Robots build after cockroaches will save lives

Cockroaches. They are not nice or fluffy and spotting them indoors means trouble. In our minds, cockroaches are associated with mold, dirt, and cavity and they are in fact suitable carriers for diseases such as E-coli and salmonella. However, behind its repugnant appearance there is one of the most fascinating creatures living in our environment.

They are thought to be the world oldest pests and legend has it that they will survive the nuclear apocalypse. During their long evolutionary history, cockroaches have developed high degrees of resistance to environmental risks. Their population experiences a rise in the hot seasons and despite the efforts of pest control companies, cockroaches often become gradually resilient to pesticides.


cockroaches can stand pressure up to 900 times their weight

The extraordinary physique of the cockroaches have inspired scientist in developing robots that can potentially save many lives. The flexible nature of cockroaches’ bodies enables them to swiftly squish throw crevices of only two pennies (one tenth of an inch) wide. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have produced a prototype robot modelled after cockroaches’ physique that can be released into the cracks and vents of rubbles after an earthquake to quickly locate survivors.


Cockroaches’ locomotive abilities let them move as fast as five feet per second, allowing them to squish through gaps and cracks by reorienting their legs to one side. Moreover, cockroaches are highly resilient against extreme pressure and they can stand up to 900 times of their body weight. This enables cockroaches to survive crashes under the rubble, making them strong and yet agile. Robots designed by researchers at UC Berkeley, which were modeled after cockroaches, were named CRAM for compressible robot with articulated mechanisms. The shell of the robot can be compressed by up to 20 lb and its unhinged legs allow it to move under compression.


So cockroaches amazing capabilities are not only inspiration for urban myths, they inspire scientists, too.


Sadaf Yadegari


Is it our Fault? Fracking leads to Seismic Activity

Underneath the surface, there are many fractured cracks in the Earth’s crust, called faults. Naturally, these cracks would cause instability but with the overlying rocks above and rocks side by side acting as opposing forces, frictional resistance is formed, preventing fault movement. If this friction is ever counteracted the fault will slip, leading to seismic movement and threatening populations on Earth.

Fault Movement

Fault Movement

Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) negates this necessary friction when a high pressurized liquid is injected into the surface causing rocks to fracture in order to extract petroleum and natural gas. Following fracking, all the waste fluid must be safely eliminated so the chemicals do not infiltrate the surface drinking water. To be cost-efficient oil companies created concrete covered disposal wells a few meters below the surface to drill the wastewater into for permanent storage. The drilling of this wastewater counteracts this natural friction and causes separation between fault lines, leading to further seismic movement. As long as fracking and the fracking waste disposal system continue the faults will grow more unsteady, so a new method for oil extraction is crucial. In the United States the majority of seismic movements are triggered by waste fluid drilling disposal, however, in Canada less water is used in the extraction of oil so more earthquakes are driven by fracking.

Hydraulic Fracturing Process

Hydraulic Fracturing Process

New research shows an undeniable correlation between fracking water disposal drilling and earthquakes recorded in Western Canada’s oil region, Alberta and British Columbia since 1985. The results showed that 90% of earthquakes over the magnitude of 3.0 on the Richter Scale (which measures the severity of earthquakes) were linked to nearby fracking operations, while only 5-10% of earthquakes were generated from natural causes. Although only 0.3% of fracking operations included in the study were associated with severe earthquakes, a large abundance of magnitude 1.0 – 2.0 earthquakes have occurred. These may seem harmless, but for every small earthquake there is a higher rate of seismic activity and a greater probability that a massive, extreme earthquake will be triggered.

Showing the proximity and correlation between earthquakes and hydraulic fracturing sites in Alberta

Showing the proximity and correlation between earthquakes and hydraulic fracturing sites.

Seismologists have been attempting to keep deep injection sites far away from fault lines. However, as the oil industry grows there will be a continuous struggle to find area that will not affect plate tectonics. Further studies and computer simulation are able to give us  insight into how injections affect fluid pressure and how this increase in pressure leads to destabilizing the fault line. Nevertheless, the best solution is a new method of oil extraction, because soon fracking and wastewater disposal drilling will lead to much bigger earthquakes and man-driven environmental disasters.

-Jenna Carpenter-Boesch