Tag Archives: Technology

The Future Nanowire Battery

How did you feel when your favorite electronic device, such as a smartphone or tablet, could not be charged anymore? Did you know there was a limit? Many electronic devices can be used for only 3 or 4 years because their battery life is not infinite. Fortunately, new research has found a way to extend battery life. I will explain this method of applying nanowire technology.

First, we must understand nanowires. A nanowire is thousands of times thinner than a human hair. It has a very good electrical conductivity, and it can store a lot of electric charges. However, according to some previous research, nanowires are very weak, so they will be broken after recharging a few thousand times. For example, a lithium battery can be recharged approximately three thousand times, similar to nanowire batteries, but if we can protect the nanowires, we can make these batteries a much longer time.

The image obtain from Wikipedia

The image retrieve from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Nanowires_on_si_substrate.jpg, published under non-commercial use license.

A student at the University of California, Irvine(UCI) called Mya Le Thai found that nanowires can be recharged more than 200,000 times if they are coated with manganese oxide. She spent three months testing nanowires with this protective coating. They were recharged more than 200,000 times, and they remained intact and functional.

I think this research is very important because scientists have not improved the life of batteries for a long time. Nowadays, some people use electric cars to protect the environment, but the life and size of the battery is a major limitation to this vehicle technology. Moreover, many people get annoyed when they have to charge their electronic devices again and again, and doing so is inconvenient and risky, such as when a smoke detector or a home alarm system batteries stops working. If we could have a battery, which could last much longer or forever, these frustrating problems would be solved.

Zhongkai He

Bitcoin is a Stable Investment when Markets are Unstable

The looming clouds of uncertainty are hanging over the markets, as the saga of events leading to 2016 presidential elections is still unfolding. The markets showed a 2% surge on November 7, after FBI once again cleared Hillary Clinton regarding her private servers’ emails. Nevertheless, market analysts argue that the shock from a plausible Trump’s victory will likely hit the markets even harder than the Brexit (which cost investors about 2$ trillion in one day).

picture of bitcoin on iPad

Photo by Jonathan Waller (Whitez) [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/]







In this volatile environment, investors are looking for safer investments and some of them are opting for the virtual currencies such as bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency in the market with more than 100,000 transactions per month. Bitcoin does not have a physical existence and is not controlled by a central authority the way Canadian dollar is controlled by Bank of Canada. Its backbone is essentially computer code, distributed among a wide network of servers called ‘nodes’. Transactions made by bitcoins are anonymous and a record of all the transactions to date is called a ‘blockchain’. Blockchains can be best understood as ledger account, which is openly available online. Creation of bitcoin takes place when a node performs a large amount of calculations to add a block to the blockchain; this process is commonly referred to as ‘mining’.

Diagram describing number of bitcoin transactions per month

Diagram describing number of bitcoin transactions per month









Virtual Currencies such as bitcoin, always had their place in the tech community, but what makes bitcoin attractive to financial industry? For the majority of its lifetime, bitcoin has been on the shadier side of the economy; the tax authorities and the law enforcement did not exactly know how to treat it under the law and remained suspicious of its potential for illegal transactions. But in recent years, many have caught up including Canadians, who passed their first law in June 2014 for regulating the use of bitcoins.


Bitcoin is Fair, Stable, Safe, and Secure *

In contrast to paper currency, bitcoin transactions are always recorded, making it easy to keep track of the currency on the market. Also distribution of blockchains among nodes globally, makes the transactions’ records secure and almost impossible to alter. These two qualities convinced the Swedish National Land Survey to consider bitcoins as a tool for transaction and record keeping, as it is many times faster than the current manual methods requiring lots of paper work. Convenience afforded by the bitcoin is an important factor in attracting people; there are currently more than 100,000 merchants that accept bitcoins with hundreds of ATM machines around the world. Bitcoins cut the middleman in the transaction, meaning that buyer and seller interact directly instead of through credit card companies and this eliminates the transaction fee. Like non-virtual currencies, bitcoin’s value fluctuates over time. However, as the political volatility increases, bitcoin locks steps with gold, making it an attractive investment hedge in the times of uncertainty. For all of these reasons, investors are considering bitcoin as a viable investment option; putting its star on a rising path.

* https://www.bitcoinmining.com/

Sadaf Yadegari

Ludela: a Controllable Candle

We all know about Smart phones and their benefits; now there is a Smart candle! A company has invented Ludela, a controllable candle, to allow people to use candles in their daily lives with less danger and inconvenience compared to regular candles. But, is Ludela all that great?

A Ludela Candle. Retrived from http://www.newsyy.com/chuangyiliwu/191.html

A Ludela Candle. Retrived from http://www.newsyy.com/chuangyiliwu/191.html

The reason why Ludela is a smart candle is that it can be controlled by the Ludela app on phones. One can light or extinguish the candle by tapping on a smartphone. Also, the app allows the user to control multiple candles, and there is a scene mode in the app. A person can choose the scene that he/she wants, such as the relaxation mode or dinner mode. Furthermore, if one wants a mode that the app does not provide, the user can set the brightness that is preferable.

The Ludela candle is well designed, so it always looks like a new candle, and the wick is not visible. It is covered by a shell, and the company provides different colors of shells to allow people to choose their favorite colors. Also, the shell is changeable, so one can have different colors of candles. There are some electronic boards between the shell and the wax, which is 100% natural and refillable. The main idea of these electronic boards is safety. They scan the environment before ignition, and they have a password to protect the candle light. If the candle falls off the table, it will extinguish automatically.

Shows how it light the Ludela Candle. Rretrive from http://www.ityears.com/smart/201609/19485.html#

Shows how it lights the Ludela Candle. Rretrive from http://www.ityears.com/smart/201609/19485.html#

Despite the claimed benefits, I do not think this candle is entirely safe because it still has a real flame. People may still burn their hands accidently, as with regular candles. Moreover, hot wax is still a dangerous issue. People will get hurt if the hot wax spills out.  The product has not been released yet into the market, so the disadvantages of the candle are not well-known yet. It may not work as well as the company describes.

Do we really need this candle? For some time now, there have been plastic and entirely safe candles, which are battery-powered. There is no real flame or hot wax to worry about. Furthermore, although Ludela is a creative product, the company may have had to do many tests to find suitable materials for the candle, a process costing a lot of money. A post on TechCrunch states that startup companies should consider the opportunity cost before starting a venture. People may not want to buy this candle since the plastic flameless candles are safer and not expansive, under $10.

According to a News18 report, the Ludela candle will be available on the market in early 2017. People can pre-order it at a price of $99 from the Ludela website.Other than the new technology, time will tell if consumers will pay the high price for a still dangerous flame and hot wax. Personally, I do not believe the candle is worth the price.

-Zhongkai He