Tag Archives: research

The Future Nanowire Battery

How did you feel when your favorite electronic device, such as a smartphone or tablet, could not be charged anymore? Did you know there was a limit? Many electronic devices can be used for only 3 or 4 years because their battery life is not infinite. Fortunately, new research has found a way to extend battery life. I will explain this method of applying nanowire technology.

First, we must understand nanowires. A nanowire is thousands of times thinner than a human hair. It has a very good electrical conductivity, and it can store a lot of electric charges. However, according to some previous research, nanowires are very weak, so they will be broken after recharging a few thousand times. For example, a lithium battery can be recharged approximately three thousand times, similar to nanowire batteries, but if we can protect the nanowires, we can make these batteries a much longer time.

The image obtain from Wikipedia

The image retrieve from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Nanowires_on_si_substrate.jpg, published under non-commercial use license.

A student at the University of California, Irvine(UCI) called Mya Le Thai found that nanowires can be recharged more than 200,000 times if they are coated with manganese oxide. She spent three months testing nanowires with this protective coating. They were recharged more than 200,000 times, and they remained intact and functional.

I think this research is very important because scientists have not improved the life of batteries for a long time. Nowadays, some people use electric cars to protect the environment, but the life and size of the battery is a major limitation to this vehicle technology. Moreover, many people get annoyed when they have to charge their electronic devices again and again, and doing so is inconvenient and risky, such as when a smoke detector or a home alarm system batteries stops working. If we could have a battery, which could last much longer or forever, these frustrating problems would be solved.

Zhongkai He

Key protein in spinal cord regeneration found

Researchers at Duke University have identified a key protein used in spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish. The findings were presented in the November 4 edition of the Science journal.

An adult female zebrafish. Authorized for redistribution by the copyright holder. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebrafish.

An adult female zebrafish. Authorized for redistribution by the copyright holder. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebrafish.

While zebrafish can completely regenerate their spinal cords even after it is severed, humans cannot. This makes spinal cord injuries (SCI) one of the most debilitating injuries for humans, as ability to walk and sense can be impaired. As SCI can be permanent, many patients require lifelong assistance with daily activities, resulting in loss of autonomy.

Diagram of the spinal cord. Image in the public domain; retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_cord_injury

Diagram of the spinal cord. Image in the public domain.

When a zebrafish’s spinal cord is undergoing regeneration, a bridge forms. The first cells (a cell is the basic functional unit of all living things) project lengths many times their own size and connect a wide length of the injury. This is followed by nerve cells, and after eight weeks, new nerve tissue has filled the gap formed by the injury, reversing the zebrafish’s paralysis.

Nerve cells in the brain. Shared under the Creative Commons license. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuron.

Nerve cells in the brain. Shared under the Creative Commons license. Image by UC Regents Davis campus.

The researchers looked for genes (the basic functional units, made up of DNA, that instruct the body how to make proteins) whose activities changed throughout this process, and they focused on a protein called connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), as they found more of it in the supporting cells (glia) that formed the bridge within two weeks of the injury than before.

Glial cells in a rat brain. Public domain. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroglia.

Glial cells in a rat brain. Public domain.

This finding is important because it provides a direction for research in achieving full recovery of function in patients with SCI. Although the researchers say that CTGF alone will probably not be enough for spinal cord regeneration due to scar tissue (new tissue that forms after injuries) in mammals, now that CTGF has been identified as a key protein for regeneration, it could be used with other proteins and therapies. The researchers expect that studies on CTGF will move towards mammals like mice.

In addition, knowing this new information about CTGF can lead research towards similar proteins. Indeed, the researchers themselves have indicated plans to study the other secreted proteins they observed when looking for genes with altered activities throughout the zebrafish’s healing process.

Permanent SCI have debilitating physical and psychological effects on their patients, their families, and the support system around them. An estimated 24-45% of people with SCI suffer from depression, and the suicide rate can be as great as six times of the general population. In fact, in young people with SCI, it is suicide that is the leading cause of death and not physical complications of the injury itself. The psychological impact is tragic, which is one of the reasons why I believe that improving patient outcomes for SCI is one of the most pressing needs for modern medicine, and also why I hope research funding continues to go towards spinal cord research.

-Jasper Yoo

The Benefits of Wine

Wine is a very common alcoholic beverage nowadays. Whether you are with friends for a night out or enjoying a quiet evening alone, wine offers a temporary relaxed state of mind. Although too much wine intake could pose negative health effects, moderate consumption is proven to be beneficial. Moderate consumption is considered to be 2 drinks for men and 1 drink for women, daily.

This image was obtained from Flickr.

This image was obtained from Flickr.

How exactly is wine consumption beneficial?

Wine contains resveratrol, which is an antioxidant. Antioxidants are substances that inhibit the process of oxidation. Immense research has been conducted in order to determine the health benefits of resveratrol.

An extremely important health benefit of resveratrol is its anti-inflammatory property. Despite inflammation being a defence-mechanism against bacteria and viruses, long-term swelling of this type in the body could have negative health effects and lead to diseases. Therefore, the anti-inflammatory characteristic of resveratrol in wine is advantageous, especially for those with chronic inflammation.

Resveratrol also contributes in promoting mitochondrial efficiency. Mitochondria are the source of energy required for metabolic processes in the human body. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, resveratrol reduces the stress on mitochondria, allowing mitochondria to allocate energy for other processes.

Additionally, resveratrol helps to protect against heart disease and cancer. In particular, resveratrol helps to control LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), that may clog arteries and lead to heart attack/disease. Furthermore, several studies have suggested that resveratrol has anti-cancerous properties. Resveratrol aids in cancer protection by promoting apoptosis, which is programmed cell death, in cancerous cells. Studies have demonstrated that resveratrol blocks the pathway that causes breast cancer.

The following video lists additional benefits of resveratrol.

Video Credit:  https://youtu.be/-AGNo3Xvxjw

Although many studies have tested to find the effects of resveratrol on the human body, I believe further research must be conducted in order to conclude that resveratrol is beneficial. Since studies have relied on animal models for their experiments, the dosage of resveratrol required for humans is unknown.

Despite wine containing resveratrol, I don’t think wine should be a go-to source of resveratrol. While moderate consumption can be healthy for humans, too much alcohol intake could be dangerous. Other sources of reservatrol are plants, nuts and fruits (especially grapes!).

Pavneet Virk

The Atmosphere of Earth Is Leaking Oxygen

Although oxygen composes 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere, oxygen levels are not stable. Through analysis of air bubbles caught inside ice cores (core samples of ice taken from ice sheets or glaciers) in Greenland and Antarctica, Princeton University researchers determined that oxygen levels dropped 0.7% over the past 800,000 years.

A sliver of Antarctic showing air bubbles trapped within it. Image from http://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/pages/about/.

A sliver of Antarctic showing air bubbles trapped within it. Image from http://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/pages/about/, published under the Creative Commons license.

The full research article was published in the September 23 issue of Science journal. While the researchers are not sure why the oxygen drop occurred, researcher Daniel Stolper believes that it is due to the increase in global erosion rates. Erosion is the process in which earth is worn away, often due to processes like rain or wind. Grinding of rocks by glaciers (large bodies of ice that move under their own weight) results in erosion, and the growth of glaciers over the past tens of million years has increased Earth’s erosion levels.

Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland. Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)

Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland. Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net), published under the Creative Commons license.

How does erosion relate to oxygen levels? Erosion would expose increased pyrite and organic carbon to the atmosphere.

Pyrite from Tuscany, Italy. Image by Didier Descouens, published under the Creative Commons license.

Pyrite from Tuscany, Italy. Image by Didier Descouens, published under the Creative Commons license.

Pyrite, colloquially known as “fool’s gold” for physically resembling gold, reacts with oxygen and removes it from the atmosphere. Organic carbon has been found to do the same thing.

In terms of immediate impact on Earth, the drop is trivial because of how slow it is. Organisms have had time to adapt to the change in atmospheric oxygen. However, atmospheric oxygen levels are linked to climate change and how organisms evolve, so understanding its trends is important. For example, changing oxygen levels can alter how living things adapt, and from an evolutionary standpoint, declining oxygen levels would prefer individuals and species who are more efficient with their use of oxygen.

Understanding oxygen levels can also be the key to understanding long-term weather trends, and further research could determine if there are any links between this observation about oxygen levels and the global warming crisis that we are facing today.

In addition, understanding the processes behind the declining oxygen levels and observing how living things have adapted to it over time could help humans understand what is needed for a habitable environment. With continued efforts to build a feasible human settlement in Mars, having a better grasp of what is needed for life on Earth would be important if humans are ever to colonize Mars. As lack of atmospheric oxygen is one of the major obstacles to life on Mars, understanding how living things on Earth react to lower levels of oxygen could allow for potential ideas on how to survive in Mars’ low-oxygen conditions.

Photograph of Mars by the Hubble Space Telescope. Image by NASA.

Photograph of Mars by the Hubble Space Telescope. Public domain. Image by NASA.

Therefore, although these findings do not have an immediate impact on Earth, they carry big implications both for humanity’s future and understanding our planet’s past.

-Jasper Yoo


What method would you use when you are asked to provide a random number? A random number generator and a coin flip are two very common ways used to determine outcome for many different situations. Some believe they are just as random as the other, and the randomness of each result is roughly the same. Studies have shown they might not be as random as some may believe them to be.

There are two fundamental types of number generators:  Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) and True Number Generators (TRNGs). PRNGs are the most common type of generators find within our computers which uses different mathematic algorithms to output an outcome. On the other hand, TRNGs use unpredictable physical pheromones such as atmospheric noise which is radio noise caused by natural atmospheric processes to generate numbers. Bitmaps are pixels, each with a number representing its colour depth. If we generate two bitmaps using the outputs for each of the number generators as its pixels’ colour depth, we would get the following images. A clear visual pattern can be seen on the bitmap produced using PRNGs.


Bitmap generated by RANDOM.org. Image from https://www.random.org/analysis/#visual, published under non-commercial use license.


PHP rand() on Microsoft Windows. Image from https://www.random.org/analysis/#visual , published under non-commercial use license.

In comparison, coin-flipping is not actually a random event. If every initial condition in a coin toss is known, such as the exact force acted on the coin, the exact location of the force acted on the coin, the mass of the coin and the distance it travels before landing, the result of the flip can be calculated before it happens. Researchers have built a coin flipping robot that can make a coin land heads up one hundred percent of the time, proving that a coin toss is not a random event at all.


coin-flipping machine, Image from http://epubs.siam.org.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/doi/pdf/10.1137/S0036144504446436, published under the personal and noncommercial use license.

Some may argue that humans are not robots and the outcome of a toss by a human should be random. Are they random with a 50% chance of getting tails? It turns out that our natural flips are not random either. Researchers have used a coin flipping robot and high-speed cameras to determine the factors that decide which side a coin will land on. They concluded that in a natural flip, the chance of a coin coming up on the side it started on is about 51%. Further studies have been done on December 2009 in Canada showing that the result of hand coin toss could be manipulated up to a 68% on any untrained participant.

Different methods used in generating numbers will lead to outcomes with different degree of randomness. Therefore, keep that in mind when facing situations where a “random” event is needed  and pick the best method to your advantage.

-Hongyi Li

The Atmosphere of Earth Is Leaking Oxygen

Although oxygen composes 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere, oxygen levels are not stable. Through analysis of air bubbles caught inside ice cores (core samples of ice taken from ice sheets or glaciers) in Greenland and Antarctica, Princeton University researchers determined that oxygen levels dropped 0.7% over the past 800,000 years.

A sliver of Antarctic showing air bubbles trapped within it. Image from http://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/pages/about/.

A sliver of Antarctic showing air bubbles trapped within it. Image from http://www.scienceimage.csiro.au/pages/about/, published under the Creative Commons license.

The full research article was published in the September 23 issue of Science journal. While the researchers are not sure why the oxygen drop occurred, researcher Daniel Stolper believes that it is due to the increase in global erosion rates. Erosion is the process in which earth is worn away, often due to processes like rain or wind. Grinding of rocks by glaciers (large bodies of ice that move under their own weight) results in erosion, and the growth of glaciers over the past tens of million years has increased Earth’s erosion levels.

Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland. Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net)

Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland. Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net), published under the Creative Commons license.

How does erosion relate to oxygen levels? Erosion would expose increased pyrite and organic carbon to the atmosphere.

Pyrite from Tuscany, Italy. Image by Didier Descouens, published under the Creative Commons license.

Pyrite from Tuscany, Italy. Image by Didier Descouens, published under the Creative Commons license.

Pyrite, colloquially known as “fool’s gold” for physically resembling gold, reacts with oxygen and removes it from the atmosphere. Organic carbon has been found to do the same thing.

In terms of immediate impact on Earth, the drop is trivial because of how slow it is. Organisms have had time to adapt to the change in atmospheric oxygen. However, atmospheric oxygen levels are linked to climate change and how organisms evolve, so understanding its trends is important. For example, changing oxygen levels can alter how living things adapt, and from an evolutionary standpoint, declining oxygen levels would prefer individuals and species who are more efficient with their use of oxygen.

Understanding oxygen levels can also be the key to understanding long-term weather trends, and further research could determine if there are any links between this observation about oxygen levels and the global warming crisis that we are facing today.

In addition, understanding the processes behind the declining oxygen levels and observing how living things have adapted to it over time could help humans understand what is needed for a habitable environment. With continued efforts to build a feasible human settlement in Mars, having a better grasp of what is needed for life on Earth would be important if humans are ever to colonize Mars. As lack of atmospheric oxygen is one of the major obstacles to life on Mars, understanding how living things on Earth react to lower levels of oxygen could allow for potential ideas on how to survive in Mars’ low-oxygen conditions.

Photograph of Mars by the Hubble Space Telescope. Image by NASA.

Photograph of Mars by the Hubble Space Telescope. Public domain. Image by NASA.

Therefore, although these findings do not have an immediate impact on Earth, they carry big implications both for humanity’s future and understanding our planet’s past.

-Jasper Yoo