Tag Archives: suicide

Key protein in spinal cord regeneration found

Researchers at Duke University have identified a key protein used in spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish. The findings were presented in the November 4 edition of the Science journal.

An adult female zebrafish. Authorized for redistribution by the copyright holder. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebrafish.

An adult female zebrafish. Authorized for redistribution by the copyright holder. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebrafish.

While zebrafish can completely regenerate their spinal cords even after it is severed, humans cannot. This makes spinal cord injuries (SCI) one of the most debilitating injuries for humans, as ability to walk and sense can be impaired. As SCI can be permanent, many patients require lifelong assistance with daily activities, resulting in loss of autonomy.

Diagram of the spinal cord. Image in the public domain; retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_cord_injury

Diagram of the spinal cord. Image in the public domain.

When a zebrafish’s spinal cord is undergoing regeneration, a bridge forms. The first cells (a cell is the basic functional unit of all living things) project lengths many times their own size and connect a wide length of the injury. This is followed by nerve cells, and after eight weeks, new nerve tissue has filled the gap formed by the injury, reversing the zebrafish’s paralysis.

Nerve cells in the brain. Shared under the Creative Commons license. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuron.

Nerve cells in the brain. Shared under the Creative Commons license. Image by UC Regents Davis campus.

The researchers looked for genes (the basic functional units, made up of DNA, that instruct the body how to make proteins) whose activities changed throughout this process, and they focused on a protein called connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), as they found more of it in the supporting cells (glia) that formed the bridge within two weeks of the injury than before.

Glial cells in a rat brain. Public domain. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroglia.

Glial cells in a rat brain. Public domain.

This finding is important because it provides a direction for research in achieving full recovery of function in patients with SCI. Although the researchers say that CTGF alone will probably not be enough for spinal cord regeneration due to scar tissue (new tissue that forms after injuries) in mammals, now that CTGF has been identified as a key protein for regeneration, it could be used with other proteins and therapies. The researchers expect that studies on CTGF will move towards mammals like mice.

In addition, knowing this new information about CTGF can lead research towards similar proteins. Indeed, the researchers themselves have indicated plans to study the other secreted proteins they observed when looking for genes with altered activities throughout the zebrafish’s healing process.

Permanent SCI have debilitating physical and psychological effects on their patients, their families, and the support system around them. An estimated 24-45% of people with SCI suffer from depression, and the suicide rate can be as great as six times of the general population. In fact, in young people with SCI, it is suicide that is the leading cause of death and not physical complications of the injury itself. The psychological impact is tragic, which is one of the reasons why I believe that improving patient outcomes for SCI is one of the most pressing needs for modern medicine, and also why I hope research funding continues to go towards spinal cord research.

-Jasper Yoo

Suicide Statistics: Why men are more likely to commit suicide?

Last month, I read a scientific article, “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study”[1], published in the Community Mental Health Journal. This study was led by UBC nursing professor John Oliffe and his team, and I was interested in discovering more about this field. Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between suicide and mental illness. Although past statistics report lower rates of depression among men than women. In most countries, the suicide rate for men is three times higher than the rate for women. Hence, I want to find out reasons behind high suicide rate for men.

Suicide Rate by Sex, 2014 Suicide Rate by Sex Graphic

Data Source: National Vital Statistics System-Mortality(NVSS-M), CDC/NCHS; Bridged-Race Population Estimates, CDS/NCHS and Census. [4]

My first hypothesis is that men are not active to seek for external help when they are mentally ill. There are different help for mental illness, such as therapy groups, counselling services or prescribed treatments. Some researchers have said that women are more willing to tell their friends how they feel or seek for external help when they get depressed. On the contrary, men are more likely to deal with their problems by themselves because it is difficult for the men to express their feelings. Since these external treatments can help people eliminate or reduce their suicidal thought, men have a greater probability of attempting suicide than women do.


Another hypothesis is that men are more impulsive than women. Scientific study has shown that men take fewer things into account before they take action. For example, men tend to get themselves drunk before they attempt suicide, and they cannot make thoughtful decisions with the unconscious mind. Since most men do not care about the consequence of their suicides, they will not make decisions with properly thinking. Moreover, when men actually commit suicide, they use violent methods that do not allow the second rescue. Many women prefer the methods that are able to preserve their appearance. However, men do not have any preference so they tend to choose firearms or hanging, which lead to fatality directly. For instance, in the UK, 58% male choose hanging, strangulation or suffocation to end their life.
I think that mental illness has a negative impact on both men and women. It is important for people to visit their physicians regularly or join in suicide prevention programs when they have extreme suicidal thoughts. Since men have more intention to commit suicide, we should care more about our male friends or family members than before, and I hope suicide rate will decrease in future.



  1. Oliffe, John L., et al. “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study.” Community mental health journal 52.3 (2016): 302-310.
  2. Wall Street Journal. “College-Counselling Centres Try to Reach More Men.” Online video clip. Youtube. Youtube, 21 September  2015. Web, 9 October 2016.
  3. Watchwellcast. “For Those Considering Suicide.” Online video clip. Youtube, 13 May 2013. Web, 9 October 2016.
  4. Suicide Rate by Sex 2014. Digital Image. Health People 2020. A Federal Government Web site managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 • © 2014. Web, 10 October 2016.

Xi Chen