Author Archives: NikeishaDass

The Body Snatcher

When you think of parasites, what comes to mind? Worms? They’re small? They’re gross? Irrelevant to our region?

Turns out these little beasts have a greater impact than you’d think. Gehman studied how a certain parasite that infects mud crabs is affected by environmental factors, such as temperature. Her research enriched the pool of knowledge regarding the parasite model! This means, information known about a specific parasite can be applied to similarly behaving parasites. For example, Gehman’s findings help us better understand the malaria parasite! For additional significance of her research, please listen to this podcast.

Audio credit:


Why are parasites important to you?

With globally increasing temperatures it’s possible for new parasites to surface in different regions and affect us, either directly or indirectly.

Parasites require the presence of a host to survive and the abundance, distribution, and susceptibility of the host affects the parasite. To evaluate these factors, Gehman and her colleagues studied factors within 10 estuaries and observed the abundances of hosts and parasites in each region.


Image Credit: Andy Tucker, Georgia University

They studied a castrating barnacle parasite that infects the mud crab. Mud crabs reside in oyster reefs and rely on them for protection. This parasite establishes itself within the mud crab and changes its behavior and reproduction patterns,  effectively taking over its body. Infected mud crabs have a sac under their body which makes them unable to get into the oyster reef, leaving them vulnerable to their predators.

As shown through this video, you can see the sac on the mud crab.

Video taken from:

It was shown that regions with varying abiotic and biotic factors influenced the abundance of this parasite.

Host Size

Host size was the biggest predictor of parasite infection as larger mud crabs would be infected more often. Smaller crabs would not have enough energy to sustain the parasite, but larger crabs have more energy to sustain the parasite and may also be older, increasing their susceptibility to infection.

Water Depth

As this parasite has free-living larvae it migrates further in deeper waters because it flows with the water circulation. Therefore, in deeper waters there is a higher rate of infection.

Predator Abundance

Areas with higher predator abundance both could increase and decrease the infection prevalence. In deeper waters, mud crabs are trying to avoid their predators and that can increase infection in those individuals. However, predators that feed on infected crabs can also decrease the infection in that population.


Image credit: Andy Tucker, Georgia University

At first glance, it is hard to see this paper’s significance, but after understanding how this relates to us it is clear how important it is. There has been little evidence for how the ecological structures will change due to environmental factors which is why Gehman’s research about these tiny organisms is pivotal. More research in this area could solidify the parasite-model, allowing us to better understand the impact parasites have on human health.

So how many more bodies will be snatched as global warming continues?


»Group 5

Evelyn Chen, Nikeisha Dass, Riaz Vejdani, Jane Wanjiru

You’re Not Yourself When You’re Hungry

Feeling hangry? Want to know why?

Well, there can be a multitude of reasons why we give in to our cravings, such as stress, or poor will power. I’ve always wondered why I get these intense random cravings for a good Bueno bar or pizza, and here’s why; our bodies are very reactive to what we eat and junk food is one thing that keeps us coming for more.

Okay, why? 

The major players in our cravings are leptin and serotonin. Leptin is a hormone released to tell our brains when we are full and serotonin is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel happy. Because leptin is made in our fat tissue the more we eat, the more leptin is produced, which should tell our brain that we have enough energy and to stop eating. But, something called leptin-resistance can develop which means we have so much leptin circulating in our bodies that the brain stops receiving the signal. When the brain doesn’t receive that signal our body saves more fat as energy and goes into ‘starvation’ mode, resulting in us searching for fatty-rich foods. If meals aren’t eaten at regular times, it can affect your metabolism which means entering starvation mode. Since our brain thinks our body needs to be conserving more energy it also makes us feel lazy, so we move only when necessary. Extreme leptin-resistance can also lead to weight gain or obesity.

Leptin Feedback Cycle Credit: Authority Nutrition

Leptin Feedback Cycle Credit: Authority Nutrition

On the other hand, up to 90% of serotonin is made in our intestines, and is released when we eat. When we eat sugary food versus fruit more serotonin is released to accommodate our reward system. Once we start to build a tolerance, we need more serotonin to make us feel as good as it did previously, therefore even more junk food. So when our cravings start to hit junk food is the target since we know it’ll make us feel better than eating vegetables. This release of neurotransmitters can be so strong as some studies have related the feeling to the effects of cocaine. Which is one of the reasons why we continue to eat junk food because our brains relate the large release of endorphins to a reward.

Synaptic Transmission: How Serotonin gets transported to the brain Credit: Nutrition Wonderland

Synaptic Transmission: How Serotonin gets transported to the brain Credit: Nutrition Wonderland

How to fight the cravings. 

Now that I found out it’s not just my terrible willpower, I don’t feel as bad for giving in, but, here are some ways that can fight off those cravings when it’s taking over your mind.

Run it off! Running can release endorphins- including serotonin- making us feel great again without the junk food. To avoid the stress-eating or post break-up eating, get in tune with your body with some meditation which also releases endorphins. Now you know that these tiny molecules are responsible for your huge cravings.

»Nikeisha Dass

Are we living on a disk?

Have you ever thought about accepting any other shape but a sphere for the Earth? Recently, a friend of mine started talking about the Flat Earth Theory  and it sparked his curiosity. That got me thinking about looking in to this theory and evidence, if any.

Surprisingly, there is still a small amount of people that believe the almost ancient theory that Earth is a flat disk, known as the flat-earthers. They believe that Antarctica surrounds the perimeter of the disk as a wall to prevent people from going over the ‘edge’ and that the Earth is the centre of the universe. Not only does this just sound wrong, this theory has been disproven. But, it is interesting and crazy to think about how some people stray from the information we have always been taught.


Flat Earth view Credit: Wikipedia

Flat-earthers manipulated what a NASA engineer stated about the danger of the Van Allen belts, saying that no humans can pass the belts. Despite all of the evidence people refuse to believe a trip into space was made. This report expands on the science behind the radiation belts and how Apollo went through them.

My confusion and annoyance as to why this theory is still believed is heightened because there is intangible evidence, such as observations from non-science background believers. If all the pictures from NASA weren’t enough evidence to discredit the Flat Earth theory, lets revisit a few more reasons.

Lunar Eclipses 

〉A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the plane of the Earth’s orbit and the Earth casts its shadow upon the Moon, which is rounded- only caused by a spherical object.

Lunar Eclipse Credit: Wikipedia & Tomruen

Gravity and Equations 

〉Isaac Newton discovered the force of gravity and tested it everywhere it could be tested and found that the force of gravity was constant on the planet, further strengthening the reasoning as to why the Earth is round.

〉The equation for determining force of gravity F= GMm/r^2 uses the Earth’s radius (which already assumes the Earth is spherical) has not been disproved for thousands of years which gives no arguments for flat-earthers.

Time Zones 

〉the reason time zones exist is that one region is completely dark versus an area that is completely lit which occurs while the Earth is in orbit and one side is facing the Sun versus the other facing away.

→versus flat-earther’s spotlight theory which wouldn’t allow for time zones as the Sun rays are considered to be parallel on all surfaces.

Although there is no legitimate reason for anyone to believe this theory, it definitely is astounding to think about why the flat-earthers believe this theory and why the theory is still considered so many centuries after all of this concrete evidence surfaced. It adds to how media can be manipulated and words can be interpreted into something completely different when science isn’t understood or explained to all audiences. Seems an Astronomy lesson may be due for them. (or two)


»Nikeisha Dass