Author Archives: riaz vejdani

Sniffing with your knee!

Have you ever thought to replace your knee with a tissue in your nose? Well, as we know most of the skeleton of a new born baby is of cartilage. There are three different types of cartilage, and depending on the function that each organ in our body is doing, it can have one or combination of these types of cartilage.

Our knee joint is consisted of the junction of three bones ( Femur (upper leg), Tibia (lower leg) and Patella (kneecap)), and some different ligaments (bone to bone connectors), and different type of cartilages.

The Knee Joint. Articular cartilage is a type of Hyaline cartilage. Image Credit:http: //

The Knee Joint.
Articular cartilage is a type of Hyaline cartilage. Image Credit: orthoinfo

Knee Joint,
Three Bones of the knee joint. Image Credit: kidport


Articular cartilage (type of Hyaline cartilage: cartilage with glossy appearance) prevents the two bony surfaces of Tibia and Femur to be in direct contact with each other. Different factors such as age, autoimmune disease (when our own immune system attack different organ of our body, in this case the joint), or sport injury can damage and destroy the articular cartilage in the knee joint.

Damaged knee Cartilage. In this picture the Patella bone is not been shown. Image credit:

Damaged knee Cartilage. In this picture the Patella bone is not been shown. Image credit: chiropractic-books

In consequence, a harder tissue, which does not have the functionality of the cartilage, will replace it, so the person will suffer a lot and will be in sever pain. Until recent years the treatments were mostly drug therapy (anti inflammatory drugs and pain killers), and artificial joint (Knee Replacement Surgery). However, none of these methods can solve the problem completely, and the patients will have limited functioning in their joint the rest of their lives. About two years ago, some scientist decided to try a new treatment method; in this method, they cut part of the nose cartilage, which has the same characteristics of the knee cartilage, grew it outside of the body, then grafted it to the knee joint. This was done in some animals like goats first, and recently was tested on human which has had satisfactory results. I think this treatment can help many patients to back to their normal lives with no pain. As a result, the patients will not need the pain-killer drugs. Therefore, they can not only save money by not spending it for the drugs , but also can prevent the long-term side effects of the drugs on their bodies. It can also decrease the cost of health care system and save tax payers’ money.




32 Pearls


If not the hardest, teeth are one of the most solid parts of the human body. There are four different types of teeth in our oral cavity including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Either individually or collectively they are responsible for many different functions including mastication (chewing), pronunciation, and aesthetic in our body. Without being able to chew properly, we cannot digest our food, malnutrition, so we will be weak and eventually die. We also use our teeth to help in articulating certain sounds like ‘f’. Having healthy teeth, in addition, can add to our attractiveness, and in some instances, they can have direct influence on the our personal and professional lives.

Importance of appearance in professional life, Video Credit:

Therefore, damaged or missing teeth can cause serious problems for us, and it is beneficial to know the ways they got damaged and ,consequently, lead to their death.

Oral Cavity, Image credit: Wikipedia,

Oral Cavity, Image credit: Wikipedia,

there are two main causes of damage to our teeth: infection and trauma.


There are about thousands of different bacteria residing in our mouth, and they can cause infection in our teeth. Each tooth consists of three main parts: enamel, dentin, and pulp (root).

Coronal section of tooth in jawbone showing enamel, dentin, and pulp SOURCE: 4B11433 Image Credit:

Coronal section of tooth in jawbone showing enamel, dentin, and pulp SOURCE: 4B11433
Image Credit:

As long as the outer surface of our teeth (enamel) is intact, the tooth can stay alive. However, as a result of different factors such as poor hygiene, these bacteria can dissolve the enamel, penetrate to inner chamber (pulp), and cause infection. Consequently, our defence system will attack this infection the same way, inflammatory response, it attacks any other infection in our body. The ultimate goal of this response is to kill the bacteria. However, since the pulp has very tiny space, the inflammation will cause the blood supply to the pulp to be cut off. As a result, the infected tooth will not receive the nutrients and oxygen necessary to survive, and it will die.

Inflammation of the pulp, Image credit:

Inflammation of the pulp, Image credit:


Any physical impact in different accidents such as car crashes, or sport injuries can damage our teeth and eventually lead to their death. Our teeth, in both upper and lower jaws, are connected to their bony sockets via periodontal ligaments, which means they are not fused to the bone. Severe physical impact can dislocate them either completely (falling off), or partially. In either case, it will shut down the blood supply to the effected tooth and lead to its death. In case of children who still have their milk teeth, the root of dislocated teeth can damage the permanent tooth germ under it and prevent its growth permanently.

Being aware of these two main causes of damage can help us to prevent them as much as possible and take care of our teeth as pearls.

32 Pearls

If not the hardest, teeth are one of the most solid parts of the human body. There are four different types of teeth in our oral cavity (Figure 1) including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Both individually and as a collective they are responsible for many different functions in the human body.


Figure 1, Oral Cavity

The main function of teeth is mastication. When we eat food, our body should process it and make it ready for digestion, and the first step in digestion is to break down the food by teeth into smaller pieces. Incisors usually cut the food, then canines with some help from premolars tear it, and at the end premolars and mainly molars grind the food and make it ready for swallowing. Without our teeth, we would not be able to fulfill this critical function, which would as a result lead to many problems with digestion.

The second function of teeth is that they aid in pronunciation. In other words, they help us to pronounce words properly. As we grow up, we learn to pronounce with the use of our teeth and the help of our tongue. Those who lose all or some of their teeth cannot pronounce the words accurately so will have serious problem in speaking.


Figure 2, Facial Muscles

Teeth also have a direct influence on our appearance, therefore they have an important aesthetic function. Teeth support the facial muscles (Figure 2)and other tissues around them, thus the shape and form of our face depends, to a great extend, on our teeth. Having clean and normal teeth will create a nice smile, and it can have direct influence on the personal and professional life of every individual. For example, possessing a nice and beautiful smile has direct impact on professional life of many celebrities.

It is clear that teeth have an important role in our lives, and it is beneficial to take care of them as they are as precious as pearls (Figure 3).


Figure 3, Teeth