Category Archives: Science Communication

Are we living on a disk?

Have you ever thought about accepting any other shape but a sphere for the Earth? Recently, a friend of mine started talking about the Flat Earth Theory  and it sparked his curiosity. That got me thinking about looking in to this theory and evidence, if any.

Surprisingly, there is still a small amount of people that believe the almost ancient theory that Earth is a flat disk, known as the flat-earthers. They believe that Antarctica surrounds the perimeter of the disk as a wall to prevent people from going over the ‘edge’ and that the Earth is the centre of the universe. Not only does this just sound wrong, this theory has been disproven. But, it is interesting and crazy to think about how some people stray from the information we have always been taught.


Flat Earth view Credit: Wikipedia

Flat-earthers manipulated what a NASA engineer stated about the danger of the Van Allen belts, saying that no humans can pass the belts. Despite all of the evidence people refuse to believe a trip into space was made. This report expands on the science behind the radiation belts and how Apollo went through them.

My confusion and annoyance as to why this theory is still believed is heightened because there is intangible evidence, such as observations from non-science background believers. If all the pictures from NASA weren’t enough evidence to discredit the Flat Earth theory, lets revisit a few more reasons.

Lunar Eclipses 

〉A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the plane of the Earth’s orbit and the Earth casts its shadow upon the Moon, which is rounded- only caused by a spherical object.

Lunar Eclipse Credit: Wikipedia & Tomruen

Gravity and Equations 

〉Isaac Newton discovered the force of gravity and tested it everywhere it could be tested and found that the force of gravity was constant on the planet, further strengthening the reasoning as to why the Earth is round.

〉The equation for determining force of gravity F= GMm/r^2 uses the Earth’s radius (which already assumes the Earth is spherical) has not been disproved for thousands of years which gives no arguments for flat-earthers.

Time Zones 

〉the reason time zones exist is that one region is completely dark versus an area that is completely lit which occurs while the Earth is in orbit and one side is facing the Sun versus the other facing away.

→versus flat-earther’s spotlight theory which wouldn’t allow for time zones as the Sun rays are considered to be parallel on all surfaces.

Although there is no legitimate reason for anyone to believe this theory, it definitely is astounding to think about why the flat-earthers believe this theory and why the theory is still considered so many centuries after all of this concrete evidence surfaced. It adds to how media can be manipulated and words can be interpreted into something completely different when science isn’t understood or explained to all audiences. Seems an Astronomy lesson may be due for them. (or two)


»Nikeisha Dass







Ludela: a Controllable Candle

We all know about Smart phones and their benefits; now there is a Smart candle! A company has invented Ludela, a controllable candle, to allow people to use candles in their daily lives with less danger and inconvenience compared to regular candles. But, is Ludela all that great?

A Ludela Candle. Retrived from

A Ludela Candle. Retrived from

The reason why Ludela is a smart candle is that it can be controlled by the Ludela app on phones. One can light or extinguish the candle by tapping on a smartphone. Also, the app allows the user to control multiple candles, and there is a scene mode in the app. A person can choose the scene that he/she wants, such as the relaxation mode or dinner mode. Furthermore, if one wants a mode that the app does not provide, the user can set the brightness that is preferable.

The Ludela candle is well designed, so it always looks like a new candle, and the wick is not visible. It is covered by a shell, and the company provides different colors of shells to allow people to choose their favorite colors. Also, the shell is changeable, so one can have different colors of candles. There are some electronic boards between the shell and the wax, which is 100% natural and refillable. The main idea of these electronic boards is safety. They scan the environment before ignition, and they have a password to protect the candle light. If the candle falls off the table, it will extinguish automatically.

Shows how it light the Ludela Candle. Rretrive from

Shows how it lights the Ludela Candle. Rretrive from

Despite the claimed benefits, I do not think this candle is entirely safe because it still has a real flame. People may still burn their hands accidently, as with regular candles. Moreover, hot wax is still a dangerous issue. People will get hurt if the hot wax spills out.  The product has not been released yet into the market, so the disadvantages of the candle are not well-known yet. It may not work as well as the company describes.

Do we really need this candle? For some time now, there have been plastic and entirely safe candles, which are battery-powered. There is no real flame or hot wax to worry about. Furthermore, although Ludela is a creative product, the company may have had to do many tests to find suitable materials for the candle, a process costing a lot of money. A post on TechCrunch states that startup companies should consider the opportunity cost before starting a venture. People may not want to buy this candle since the plastic flameless candles are safer and not expansive, under $10.

According to a News18 report, the Ludela candle will be available on the market in early 2017. People can pre-order it at a price of $99 from the Ludela website.Other than the new technology, time will tell if consumers will pay the high price for a still dangerous flame and hot wax. Personally, I do not believe the candle is worth the price.

-Zhongkai He


Robots build after cockroaches will save lives

Robots build after cockroaches will save lives

Cockroaches. They are not nice or fluffy and spotting them indoors means trouble. In our minds, cockroaches are associated with mold, dirt, and cavity and they are in fact suitable carriers for diseases such as E-coli and salmonella. However, behind its repugnant appearance there is one of the most fascinating creatures living in our environment.

They are thought to be the world oldest pests and legend has it that they will survive the nuclear apocalypse. During their long evolutionary history, cockroaches have developed high degrees of resistance to environmental risks. Their population experiences a rise in the hot seasons and despite the efforts of pest control companies, cockroaches often become gradually resilient to pesticides.


cockroaches can stand pressure up to 900 times their weight

The extraordinary physique of the cockroaches have inspired scientist in developing robots that can potentially save many lives. The flexible nature of cockroaches’ bodies enables them to swiftly squish throw crevices of only two pennies (one tenth of an inch) wide. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have produced a prototype robot modelled after cockroaches’ physique that can be released into the cracks and vents of rubbles after an earthquake to quickly locate survivors.


Cockroaches’ locomotive abilities let them move as fast as five feet per second, allowing them to squish through gaps and cracks by reorienting their legs to one side. Moreover, cockroaches are highly resilient against extreme pressure and they can stand up to 900 times of their body weight. This enables cockroaches to survive crashes under the rubble, making them strong and yet agile. Robots designed by researchers at UC Berkeley, which were modeled after cockroaches, were named CRAM for compressible robot with articulated mechanisms. The shell of the robot can be compressed by up to 20 lb and its unhinged legs allow it to move under compression.


So cockroaches amazing capabilities are not only inspiration for urban myths, they inspire scientists, too.


Sadaf Yadegari


What method would you use when you are asked to provide a random number? A random number generator and a coin flip are two very common ways used to determine outcome for many different situations. Some believe they are just as random as the other, and the randomness of each result is roughly the same. Studies have shown they might not be as random as some may believe them to be.

There are two fundamental types of number generators:  Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) and True Number Generators (TRNGs). PRNGs are the most common type of generators find within our computers which uses different mathematic algorithms to output an outcome. On the other hand, TRNGs use unpredictable physical pheromones such as atmospheric noise which is radio noise caused by natural atmospheric processes to generate numbers. Bitmaps are pixels, each with a number representing its colour depth. If we generate two bitmaps using the outputs for each of the number generators as its pixels’ colour depth, we would get the following images. A clear visual pattern can be seen on the bitmap produced using PRNGs.


Bitmap generated by Image from, published under non-commercial use license.


PHP rand() on Microsoft Windows. Image from , published under non-commercial use license.

In comparison, coin-flipping is not actually a random event. If every initial condition in a coin toss is known, such as the exact force acted on the coin, the exact location of the force acted on the coin, the mass of the coin and the distance it travels before landing, the result of the flip can be calculated before it happens. Researchers have built a coin flipping robot that can make a coin land heads up one hundred percent of the time, proving that a coin toss is not a random event at all.


coin-flipping machine, Image from, published under the personal and noncommercial use license.

Some may argue that humans are not robots and the outcome of a toss by a human should be random. Are they random with a 50% chance of getting tails? It turns out that our natural flips are not random either. Researchers have used a coin flipping robot and high-speed cameras to determine the factors that decide which side a coin will land on. They concluded that in a natural flip, the chance of a coin coming up on the side it started on is about 51%. Further studies have been done on December 2009 in Canada showing that the result of hand coin toss could be manipulated up to a 68% on any untrained participant.

Different methods used in generating numbers will lead to outcomes with different degree of randomness. Therefore, keep that in mind when facing situations where a “random” event is needed  and pick the best method to your advantage.

-Hongyi Li

Suicide Statistics: Why men are more likely to commit suicide?

Last month, I read a scientific article, “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study”[1], published in the Community Mental Health Journal. This study was led by UBC nursing professor John Oliffe and his team, and I was interested in discovering more about this field. Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between suicide and mental illness. Although past statistics report lower rates of depression among men than women. In most countries, the suicide rate for men is three times higher than the rate for women. Hence, I want to find out reasons behind high suicide rate for men.

Suicide Rate by Sex, 2014 Suicide Rate by Sex Graphic

Data Source: National Vital Statistics System-Mortality(NVSS-M), CDC/NCHS; Bridged-Race Population Estimates, CDS/NCHS and Census. [4]

My first hypothesis is that men are not active to seek for external help when they are mentally ill. There are different help for mental illness, such as therapy groups, counselling services or prescribed treatments. Some researchers have said that women are more willing to tell their friends how they feel or seek for external help when they get depressed. On the contrary, men are more likely to deal with their problems by themselves because it is difficult for the men to express their feelings. Since these external treatments can help people eliminate or reduce their suicidal thought, men have a greater probability of attempting suicide than women do.


Another hypothesis is that men are more impulsive than women. Scientific study has shown that men take fewer things into account before they take action. For example, men tend to get themselves drunk before they attempt suicide, and they cannot make thoughtful decisions with the unconscious mind. Since most men do not care about the consequence of their suicides, they will not make decisions with properly thinking. Moreover, when men actually commit suicide, they use violent methods that do not allow the second rescue. Many women prefer the methods that are able to preserve their appearance. However, men do not have any preference so they tend to choose firearms or hanging, which lead to fatality directly. For instance, in the UK, 58% male choose hanging, strangulation or suffocation to end their life.
I think that mental illness has a negative impact on both men and women. It is important for people to visit their physicians regularly or join in suicide prevention programs when they have extreme suicidal thoughts. Since men have more intention to commit suicide, we should care more about our male friends or family members than before, and I hope suicide rate will decrease in future.



  1. Oliffe, John L., et al. “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study.” Community mental health journal 52.3 (2016): 302-310.
  2. Wall Street Journal. “College-Counselling Centres Try to Reach More Men.” Online video clip. Youtube. Youtube, 21 September  2015. Web, 9 October 2016.
  3. Watchwellcast. “For Those Considering Suicide.” Online video clip. Youtube, 13 May 2013. Web, 9 October 2016.
  4. Suicide Rate by Sex 2014. Digital Image. Health People 2020. A Federal Government Web site managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 • © 2014. Web, 10 October 2016.

Xi Chen

32 Pearls

If not the hardest, teeth are one of the most solid parts of the human body. There are four different types of teeth in our oral cavity (Figure 1) including incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Both individually and as a collective they are responsible for many different functions in the human body.


Figure 1, Oral Cavity

The main function of teeth is mastication. When we eat food, our body should process it and make it ready for digestion, and the first step in digestion is to break down the food by teeth into smaller pieces. Incisors usually cut the food, then canines with some help from premolars tear it, and at the end premolars and mainly molars grind the food and make it ready for swallowing. Without our teeth, we would not be able to fulfill this critical function, which would as a result lead to many problems with digestion.

The second function of teeth is that they aid in pronunciation. In other words, they help us to pronounce words properly. As we grow up, we learn to pronounce with the use of our teeth and the help of our tongue. Those who lose all or some of their teeth cannot pronounce the words accurately so will have serious problem in speaking.


Figure 2, Facial Muscles

Teeth also have a direct influence on our appearance, therefore they have an important aesthetic function. Teeth support the facial muscles (Figure 2)and other tissues around them, thus the shape and form of our face depends, to a great extend, on our teeth. Having clean and normal teeth will create a nice smile, and it can have direct influence on the personal and professional life of every individual. For example, possessing a nice and beautiful smile has direct impact on professional life of many celebrities.

It is clear that teeth have an important role in our lives, and it is beneficial to take care of them as they are as precious as pearls (Figure 3).


Figure 3, Teeth