Category Archives: Science in the News

The Atmosphere of Earth Is Leaking Oxygen

Although oxygen composes 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere, oxygen levels are not stable. Through analysis of air bubbles caught inside ice cores (core samples of ice taken from ice sheets or glaciers) in Greenland and Antarctica, Princeton University researchers determined that oxygen levels dropped 0.7% over the past 800,000 years.

A sliver of Antarctic showing air bubbles trapped within it. Image from

A sliver of Antarctic showing air bubbles trapped within it. Image from, published under the Creative Commons license.

The full research article was published in the September 23 issue of Science journal. While the researchers are not sure why the oxygen drop occurred, researcher Daniel Stolper believes that it is due to the increase in global erosion rates. Erosion is the process in which earth is worn away, often due to processes like rain or wind. Grinding of rocks by glaciers (large bodies of ice that move under their own weight) results in erosion, and the growth of glaciers over the past tens of million years has increased Earth’s erosion levels.

Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland. Photograph by Mike Peel (

Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland. Photograph by Mike Peel (, published under the Creative Commons license.

How does erosion relate to oxygen levels? Erosion would expose increased pyrite and organic carbon to the atmosphere.

Pyrite from Tuscany, Italy. Image by Didier Descouens, published under the Creative Commons license.

Pyrite from Tuscany, Italy. Image by Didier Descouens, published under the Creative Commons license.

Pyrite, colloquially known as “fool’s gold” for physically resembling gold, reacts with oxygen and removes it from the atmosphere. Organic carbon has been found to do the same thing.

In terms of immediate impact on Earth, the drop is trivial because of how slow it is. Organisms have had time to adapt to the change in atmospheric oxygen. However, atmospheric oxygen levels are linked to climate change and how organisms evolve, so understanding its trends is important. For example, changing oxygen levels can alter how living things adapt, and from an evolutionary standpoint, declining oxygen levels would prefer individuals and species who are more efficient with their use of oxygen.

Understanding oxygen levels can also be the key to understanding long-term weather trends, and further research could determine if there are any links between this observation about oxygen levels and the global warming crisis that we are facing today.

In addition, understanding the processes behind the declining oxygen levels and observing how living things have adapted to it over time could help humans understand what is needed for a habitable environment. With continued efforts to build a feasible human settlement in Mars, having a better grasp of what is needed for life on Earth would be important if humans are ever to colonize Mars. As lack of atmospheric oxygen is one of the major obstacles to life on Mars, understanding how living things on Earth react to lower levels of oxygen could allow for potential ideas on how to survive in Mars’ low-oxygen conditions.

Photograph of Mars by the Hubble Space Telescope. Image by NASA.

Photograph of Mars by the Hubble Space Telescope. Public domain. Image by NASA.

Therefore, although these findings do not have an immediate impact on Earth, they carry big implications both for humanity’s future and understanding our planet’s past.

-Jasper Yoo

“White Mars”: NASA to use Antarctica to Study Astronaut Behavior

Space missions begin long before lift-off. In its preparation for America’s first Journey to Mars, NASA will collaborate with the Nation Science Foundation to study effects of isolation, confinement, and extreme environments on people. These effects, known by the acronym ICE, that astronauts will encounter on their expeditions to outer space can be difficult to simulate – in particular, the extreme environments. Antarctica provides the closest setting to what the astronauts will experience, and as such is the best location for the behavioral studies to take place.

Training camp near McMurdo Station in the Antarctic.

Training camp near McMurdo Station in the Antarctic.

Dr. Candice Alfano developed an initial study that will analyze Antarctica’s effect on the behavior of people working there for extended periods. Dr. Alfano is a clinical psychologist, Director of the Sleep and Anxiety Center of Houston, and psychology professor at the University of Houston. Her and her researcher team hope to discover the greatest sources of stress that the study participants will face, and thereof create a checklist to detect early signs of behavioral changes brought on by ICE. The checklist will help ensure that proper intervention can take place before adverse negative effects occur. NASA considers astronaut well-being a top priority primarily because the space explorers need to be in good health to both complete their missions and problem-solve when things go wrong.

The results will have other implications, including aiding deployed military personnel who are more likely to suffer mental health disorders than civilians.

These efforts echo UBC in addressing mental health issues on campus, and hopefully the data can eventually help stressed university students.

Navpreet Ganda

Suicide Statistics: Why men are more likely to commit suicide?

Last month, I read a scientific article, “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study”[1], published in the Community Mental Health Journal. This study was led by UBC nursing professor John Oliffe and his team, and I was interested in discovering more about this field. Research has shown that there is a positive correlation between suicide and mental illness. Although past statistics report lower rates of depression among men than women. In most countries, the suicide rate for men is three times higher than the rate for women. Hence, I want to find out reasons behind high suicide rate for men.

Suicide Rate by Sex, 2014 Suicide Rate by Sex Graphic

Data Source: National Vital Statistics System-Mortality(NVSS-M), CDC/NCHS; Bridged-Race Population Estimates, CDS/NCHS and Census. [4]

My first hypothesis is that men are not active to seek for external help when they are mentally ill. There are different help for mental illness, such as therapy groups, counselling services or prescribed treatments. Some researchers have said that women are more willing to tell their friends how they feel or seek for external help when they get depressed. On the contrary, men are more likely to deal with their problems by themselves because it is difficult for the men to express their feelings. Since these external treatments can help people eliminate or reduce their suicidal thought, men have a greater probability of attempting suicide than women do.


Another hypothesis is that men are more impulsive than women. Scientific study has shown that men take fewer things into account before they take action. For example, men tend to get themselves drunk before they attempt suicide, and they cannot make thoughtful decisions with the unconscious mind. Since most men do not care about the consequence of their suicides, they will not make decisions with properly thinking. Moreover, when men actually commit suicide, they use violent methods that do not allow the second rescue. Many women prefer the methods that are able to preserve their appearance. However, men do not have any preference so they tend to choose firearms or hanging, which lead to fatality directly. For instance, in the UK, 58% male choose hanging, strangulation or suffocation to end their life.
I think that mental illness has a negative impact on both men and women. It is important for people to visit their physicians regularly or join in suicide prevention programs when they have extreme suicidal thoughts. Since men have more intention to commit suicide, we should care more about our male friends or family members than before, and I hope suicide rate will decrease in future.



  1. Oliffe, John L., et al. “Stigma in Male Depression and Suicide: A Canadian Sex Comparison Study.” Community mental health journal 52.3 (2016): 302-310.
  2. Wall Street Journal. “College-Counselling Centres Try to Reach More Men.” Online video clip. Youtube. Youtube, 21 September  2015. Web, 9 October 2016.
  3. Watchwellcast. “For Those Considering Suicide.” Online video clip. Youtube, 13 May 2013. Web, 9 October 2016.
  4. Suicide Rate by Sex 2014. Digital Image. Health People 2020. A Federal Government Web site managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services • 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 • © 2014. Web, 10 October 2016.

Xi Chen