Helpful Face Book Tips

Hello 301

I am posting some helpful Facebook tips here. Thanks for helping each other out and I hope these tips are helpful for anyone still experiencing issues with the text book or WordPress.

RE: Text Book Access:

Lauren Helena Hjalmarson You can download it off for free! Just be sure to search for the DOCUMENT version – a PDF file uploaded by a user called Mr Ninja or something – rather than the actual “book,” as they do not have it available as a “digital book” anymore

Joseph Augusto

Joseph Augusto Ya for some reason you cant view majority of it on a desktop browser, only on the app on an iOS device. Here are the steps I followed to get it. 1) Follow the link on a desktop browser. Sign in and save it to your library on the Scribd site. 2) download the app onto your iOS device and go to your library and you should have full access. Confusing, I know. Hope it help!

Unlike · Reply · 3 · 9 hrs
Joseph Augusto

Joseph Augusto…/Technical-Communication-13th…

Technical Communication offers complete coverage of technical communication, business communication,…
Lauren Helena Hjalmarson

Lauren Helena Hjalmarson Also, if some of the pages are showing up almost black, open the file in a different program and it will work fine. iOS books worked for me.

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Erika Paterson
Thanks Lauren Helena Hjalmarson

RE: Posting on your Blog  vs on a Home Page

How are people making posts under the Blog page? I added a new post but it just goes to the frontpage of the wordpress

Al Idian

Al Idian By default, Blog is set as your front page. You need set Home as your front page. I think when you customize your template you can change the setting there.

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Hendson Szeto
Hendson Szetothanks got it



Hi, for assignment due on 18th, I am not totally sure I understand its description. “A letter of application addressed to the class to be posted on your blog [and included as word doc file linked into your blog]” What does “[and included as word doc file linked into your blog]” mean? Hope someone can clarify for me. Thanks a lot!

Al Idian

Al Idian It’s saying make a blog post with your letter of application in the body. Then at the end of the post, provide a link to a Word file containing your letter of application.

Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
Erika Paterson

Erika Paterson Hi Shih-Chun Huang – thanks for asking – and Al Idian – for answering so fast!

Like · Reply · 18 hrs
Erika Paterson

Erika Paterson The purpose of the word doc is so your peer can download and print – and so I can easily provide writing tips, if necessary, and return to you. Thanks.

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Shih-Chun Huang

Shih-Chun Huang Thank you for the clarification! I am also wondering what should be the content of the letter.

Like · Reply · 18 hrs
Erika Paterson
Erika Paterson Shih-Chun Huang – have you seen the page for Lesson 1:2?

The purpose of this letter is to facilitate your process of creating the perfect writing team to work with this…
Erika Paterson

Erika Paterson Perhaps a more specific question would help me to help you?

Like · Reply · 18 hrs
Shih-Chun Huang

Shih-Chun Huang Sorry. It’s my bad. I should have scrolled it down. Thank you.

Unlike · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
Erika Paterson

Erika Paterson No worries – this happens at the beginning of every semester – be sure to click on the lesson – not just the overview! thanks

Like · Reply · 1 · 17 hrs
Al Idian

Al Idian Dr. Erika Paterson, just a clarification: are we required to post a link to our application letters on our Facebook group wall?

Like · Reply · 12 hrs
Erika Paterson

Erika Paterson Hi Al Idian – you don’t have to – but it will help you to stimulate interest and perhaps find a wiring team to work with more expediently.

Like · Reply · 10 hrs
Al Idian

Al Idian Thanks

 A note on blogs: the most common confusion seems to be understanding the difference between a blog post and a page:

What’s the difference between writing a post and writing a page?

This is an important terminological/conceptual distinction to grasp, as posts and pages serve radically different functions. A post is an article that shows up in the chronology of your blog. In other words, posts appear in your blog, most recent at the top of the page.

A page is what most folks may be more familiar with. This is a static space that is not part of the chronological logic (try saying that five times fast) of the blog. A page sits outside of this inverted time line, and often features more static content like information about the site, the author, a syllabus, readings, etc.”

I hope you will all take advantage of the Private Group Facebook page; this is a space for us to share ideas as well as questions, and a space to get to know each other a little better.


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