Unit One Writing Tips

Focus on Conciseness

Here is a good tip for eliminating words and writing concisely: Edit out pro-nouns

For example:

I have written to my teammates and now have a small team for our assignment. The application letter mentioned my strengths, beginning with my completion of my bachelor’s degree this May (in fact, I walked across the stage today!). I also mentioned that my degree is a major in History and a minor in English Literature, so there have been many papers written. I also pointed out that I have been working whilst in school and have quite a bit of skill in communication, as much of my job includes communication between parents, staff, teens and young adults. Other attributes mentioned that will benefit my team:
– Enthusiasm
– Honesty  (108 words and 10 pronouns)


Please find my application letter attached. The letter highlights my experiences, beginning with a B.A. in History with an English Literature minor; a degree that requires expert writing skills. Professionally, I work with youth and young adults and have excellent skills in communications. Additionally, enthusiasm and honesty are attributes that I will bring to a writing team. (57 words and 4 pronouns)

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