TO: Hangwei Bao, a student in ENGL 301
FROM: Luke Jang, a student in ENGL 301
DATE: 09 June 2020
SUBJECT: Review of Your Assignment 1.3
Hi Hangwei, I have reviewed your recent assignment on three definitions. I appreciate your effort. I enjoyed going through your work and I definitely think you have done some great work here. However, if I may provide some feedback and offer advice, I would like to offer the following suggestions:
First of all, I think that categorizing each definition would help readers know what those definitions are. I was not able to quickly catch which definitions were parenthetical, sentence or expanded.
As for your parenthetical definition, the word ‘split testing’ or ‘simple controlled experiment’ do not make sense to people like me who has no expertise in this area, therefore, it would be better if you could use more approachable synonyms. Also, I could not properly see your visual image included in the report, so try a different formatting method.
In regards to your sentence definition, I am confused and do not see it on the page. Again, a better categorizing would have helped locate properly.
For the expanded definition, I liked your attempt in explaining the keyword by listing out how it was developed and used. Thank you for your effort here, however, at least 2 more expansion strategies should have been used to meet the requirement for the assignment. In addition, a proper use of referencing technique following either MLA or APA style should have been in place.
I hope my suggestions can be an assistance in improving and finishing the last portion of Lesson 1:3. There are certain lacking parts in the assignment, however, it should not be a difficult edit. Please do not hesitate to reach me for any concerns.
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