Formal Report Outline

Increasing Student Voter Turnout For UBC AMS General Elections



.     A. Description of UBC AMS General Elections

.     B. Demographics of UBC students

.     C. Background of how UBC AMS General Elections are held

.     D. Purpose and importance of this report

.     E. Brief description of primary and secondary data source

.     F. Scope of this Inquiry


.     A. Procedure


.    A. Available facilities

  1. Current training attended by campaigners running for elections
  2. Current practices carried out by UBC AMS administration for running elections
  3. Resources currently available for students to vote & get informed about elections

.   B. Demographics of student survey

  1. Year at UBC
  2. Gender
  3. Faculty
  4. Total sample number

.   C. Types of events attended

  1. Location of events
  2. Theme of events
  3. How often are events hosted
  4. Things most looked forward to in events
  5. Time/ Month when events are attended the most

.  D. Technology

  1. Social Media used the most
  2. Most attractive forms of marketing for students

.  E. AMS student voting experiences

  1. Last voted
  2. How often voted
  3. Location of voting

. F. Source used for extracting information about voting

  1. In lecture speeches
  2. Campaign specific events
  3. Posters
  4. Online

.  G. Reasons for voting

  1. Fraternity
  2. AMS clubs
  3. Referendums

.  H. Areas for improvement

  1. Where campaigners want to improve
  2. Where students feel AMS & campaigners can improve

.  I. Input on future training

  1. Mandatory training for campaigners
  2. Mandatory training as event hosting requirement

.  J. Input on tasks done during lectures

  1. When asked by professors
  2. Incentives for doing tasks asked by the professor


  1. Display research outcomes visually and provide data outcomes
  2. Analysis & discussion


  1. Summary and overall interpretation of findings
  2. Recommendations
  3. Reiterate the importance of research


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