Progress Report


To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Technical Writing Professor

From:  Michaela Basciano, Technical Writing Student

Date:  July 9, 2020

Subject: Progress Report for Report on Improving Nightlife, Event, and Party Culture Practices on UBC’s Vancouver Point Grey Campus

As requested per this unit’s instructions, a progress report has been created outlining the key components and progressions for this report. The report’s outline has already been completed for review. Any guidance in regard to continuing this report is appreciated.

Audience: The formal report will be targeted to a few different groups of people on campus. Firstly, the leaders and members of the various student run nightlife groups; as a part of the research sample, it is important for them to see the results of the data in order to actively plan their own practices. Secondly, university officials, staff, educators, and advocators; as individuals trying to make changes on campus, it is important for the current issues and potential solutions to be outlined for them.

Purpose: The purpose of this report will be to outline where there are gaps and room for improvement within the nightlife community on UBC’s campus, as well as all of the positive practices currently being carried out by members of our community.

Significance: By improving nightlife practices executed by hosts/student groups and investigating the areas where education is needed, a higher level of safety can be better insured to student patrons of these events.

Research Plan:

  • Distribute the “UBC Nightlife / Party / Event Safe Spaces Survey” to the general student population at UBC’s Point Grey campus through social media and personal messaging/contact.
  • Distribute the “UBC Nightlife / Party / Event Safe Spaces Survey” to the members of Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) team in an attempt to receive further input from outreach and their student volunteers.
  • Distribute the “UBC Nightlife / Party / Event Safe Spaces Survey (for Planners)” to various student executive teams through personal contact (e.g. email, messaging apps).
  • Collect demographic and policy data from the Alma Mater Society (AMS).
  • Pull examples from The Calendar’s current Code of Conduct and Sexual Assault Policy draft.

Writing Schedule:

  • Compose survey questions – done
  • Retrieve needed documents from The Calendar – done
  • Retrieve needed documents from the AMS – done
  • Distribute surveys – immediately upon approval
  • Analyze and sort data from surveys and documents – July 19th-20th 2020
  • Complete rough draft – before August 1st, 2020 (as per course schedule)
  • Examine peer review – August 8th, 2020
  • Complete final report – between August 8th and August 17th, 2020 (as per course schedule)

Thank you for your assistance throughout this project. I am eager to hear all of your feedback.


The research surveys needed for this report were approved previously to the creation of this progress report in a private matter, as you know. Enclosed are the official surveys:

UBC Nightlife / Party / Event Safe Spaces Survey

UBC Nightlife / Party / Event Safe Spaces Survey (for Planners)

One comment on “Progress Report
  1. Erika says:

    Hello Michaela, Thank you for posting this Progress Report – this looks nicely organized and your Survey is ready to go – with one change. The paragraph that reads “Your responses will remain completely confidential.” Please edit out the entire paragraph because it is not in keeping with UBC’s ethical requirements of surveying – you cannot ask people to be “honest” – thanks. I look forward to learning more.

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