To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Zachary Goldman, ENGL 301 Student
Date: July 15th, 2020
Subject: Formal Report Progress Update
As requested, this memorandum will go over the progress made regarding the report titled: “Reassessing Access to Equipment and Labs for Applied Coursework at UBC during Covid-19”.
Audience of the Report:
This report is intended to shown to the University of British Columbia (UBC) Senate and Board of Governors, however the report will also be accessible to professors engaging in courses which require lab work or other equipment.
Purpose of Report:
The purpose of this report is to highlight ways for UBC to make the new learning environment under Covid-19 restrictions more equitable for their students.
Report Objectives:
The objectives of this report are threefold:
- To highlight easily adopted measures to make lab equipment more hygienic to prevent the spread of Covid-19, such as using plexiglass dividers between work stations or having access to hand sanitizer in labs.
- Assess UBC’s equipment rental policies for ways to make them more compatible and less austere under Covid-19 restrictions.
- Assess ways the University can incorporate the Bursary program to cover additional costs of using/renting equipment for applied coursework.
Report Outline:
Please see the following document: Formal Report Outline
Research Plan:
- Establish the concerns of students and professors regarding their access to necessary equipment through a comprehensive survey.
- Develop core strategies using data collected from surveys and interviews which can go into affect alongside UBC’s current Covid-19 strategy including but not limited to:
- subsidizing equipment for students living off campus through the bursary program using a cost benefit analysis.
- limiting spread of Covid-19 on campus through use of plexiglass barriers and community hand sanitizer.
- changing the equipment rental policies for students to accommodate courses relying on applied work.
- Review BCCDC guidelines regarding Social Distancing guidelines
Writing Schedule:
July 16th: Write up survey and distribute to participants
July 18th-22nd: Write-up data acquired from UBC Covid-19 measures and BCCDC guidelines in conjunction with data acquired from UBC rental policies and bursary program.
July 23rd-July 29th: Collect and analyze data collected from participants.
July 30th: Complete conclusion and prepare draft submission
August 1st: Submit draft document
Any suggestions to this process will be very much appreciated, thank you.
URL to Survey Questionnaire:
Hello Zachary,
Thank you for posting your Progress Report and survey. The survey requires I sign into Google in order to participate, can you change this please. Thank you.