Memo to Evan Crisp


To:          Evan Crisp, UBC student

From:     Christina Hruby, UBC student

Date:      July 17, 2020

Subject:  Email Messages to Professors


As requested, I have gathered some information regarding best practices for writing email messages to professors. The following guidelines can be used by students in many special requests, including entry to full classes.

  • Focusing on the reader: Concentrating on what the professor can do (allow an extra student into the class), instead of what the student cannot do (graduate according to plan, register for another class that is at an unappealing time).
  • Emphasizing the positive: Due to great popularity, the class filled up quickly.
  • Understanding human nature: Protection of the reader’s ego. Reason for registering in the class other than filling credit requirement (example: interest in subject matter).
  • Specifying clear goals: Expected graduation date (example: May 2021).
  • Expressing appreciation for the reader: The professor would be making an exception in opening the class to an extra student. This favour would help the student with anticipated graduation goal.
  • Burying the negative: Absence from the first week of classes and refusal to take early classes.
  • Applying a courteous tone: Addressing the professor politely and respectfully is always a good idea.

Hopefully, these suggestions will help with your email request to the English professor. If you have and questions, please email me at Best of luck with your graduation timeline.

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