To: Di Fei Su
From: Luke Jang
Date: 24 June, 2020
Subject: Peer review of the research proposal for Di Fei Su
I have reviewed your draft of research proposal on the topic of your plan of developing a long-term WFH (Work From Home) solution for software engineers to help accommodate the current global outbreak of the pandemic.
First Impression:
I was interested by your ideas on how to accommodate workers during the global crisis. I see that this can be an important issue for some workers, however, I think that having everybody work at home is probably more effective than selectively choosing certain individuals to stay home.
-Each headings are clear and bold
-Has every necessary subjects for a research proposal
-A fair explanation of the current situation worldwide
‘Statement of Problem’
– States the a problem that could be issue to some individuals, however, it is confusing to see if this is actually a big issue to most workers.
-Also, it is hard to tell if the problem is for the workers or the employers or the environment. It is difficult to figure out what problem we are trying to solve here and for whom.
-The questions asked here are fair, however, it could make people question the root purpose of the research since the questions are about ‘personal preference’ rather than critical questions that help solve a ‘problem’
-As Dr.Paterson mentioned in the comment, please provide a name and position of the person(s) who will receive the final report.
Concluding Comments:
I appreciate your effort to put together information for this report, however, it was difficult for me to figure out the core issue that you are trying to solve here.
As a summary, I would like to suggest the following edits for the final draft of your report:
-Follow what Dr.Paterson suggested regarding the ‘audience’ – provide more detail for individuals
-Please address the issue more clearly as it is confusing to figure out what problem you are trying to solve by the research
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