Lesson 4:2

WEEK ELEVEN   Application Assignment


  • Complete application package


4:2 Assignments:

PLEASE SEE Due dates on our Course Schedule

  • Job application Package, before midnight  [late assignments will loose 0.5 points per day]

Step by step by step:

  1. Create all the documents for your package on PDF files and link these files into a new page on your website that is designed for presenting your Application Package. Note – not on your blog.  Be sure to include the page in your navigation menu and refer to Chapter 25 for general guidelines and advice for webpages. Be sure to post your searchable resume right onto this page – as well as including a hyperlink to a pdf file of your “paper’ resume.
  2. Update your Linked in profile and post a link for your LinkedIn profile  into a new  page on your website, designed for presenting your Linked in page – as well as any other social media sites you are using for your networking strategies. These can be any number of platforms, projects you have completed, apps you have built, and including Youtube if relevant. Be sure to include the page in your navigation bar.


NOTE: If you are creating an application for an international volunteer position or a graduate school, you can sill use LinkedIn and design your profile around your application.

Check list for Application Package:

PLEASE check the guidelines for online resumes page 391

PLEASE check the guidelines for cover letters on page 396

Ensure you have included:

Cover letter

Maximum two page resume

Letter requesting references