Category: Pencil Pack”

Meagan Rosenberg, Jenny Zhang, Emily Krisnamurti and Janic Pang

Revised Definition – Dental Radiographs

Unit 1:3 – Definitions Assignment Hey Team! I have chosen the term ‘Dental Radiographs’. As you folks know I am a Dental Hygienist at a general practice and required to take dental radiographs everyday- with some patients they need a

Revised Definition – Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Hello team, please see below for my revised definition of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PDF file of the definition can be found here: 301 Janice Pang Technical Definitions_revised. Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to write definitions

Unit One Reflection Blog

For Unit 1:3, we were asked to write 3 definitions of a term that are widely used in our discipline, in my case, my discipline is Psychology. For the assignment, I chose the word Systematic Desensitization because I often come

Peer Review of ‘Definition Assignment – Dental Radiographs’

To: Meagan Rosenberg, ENGL 301 Student From: Emily Krisnamurti, ENGL 301 Student Date: September 25, 2019 Subject: Peer Review of your Definition Assignment – Dental Radiographs Link to Definition: Hi Meagan, I have reviewed your definition assignment on Dental Radiographs.

Peer Review of Technical Definition for Algorithm

To:                               Jenny Zhang, English 301 Student From:                         Janice Pang, English 301 Student Date:                          September 23, 2019 Subject:                    Review of Technical Definition Assignment I have reviewed your

Peer Review of Definition – Polymerase Chain Reaction

To: Janice Pang, member of The Pencil Pack From: Jenny Zhang, member of The Pencil Pack Date: September 24, 2019 Subject: Peer Review of Your Polymerase Chain Reaction Definition Link to Definition: Hi Janice, I have reviewed your three

Peer Review of ‘Definition – Systematic Desensitization’

To: Emily Krisnamurti, Student of ENGL 301 From: Meagan Rosenberg, Peer of ENGL 301 Date: September 22, 2019 Subject: Review of Your Document Definition – Systematic Desensitization Assignment Link to Definition: Hi Emily! I had a chance to review

Defintion Assignment – Dental Radiographs

Hey Team! I have chosen the term ‘Dental Radiographs’. As you guys know I am in the dental field and work with dental radiographs everyday. Though there are many crazy terms in the dental realm I chose this because I’m

Assignment 1:3 Definitions

Assignment 1:3 Definitions This week’s assignment is to define a relatively complex term for a specific audience whom don’t have technical knowledge of the term. The term will be explained by providing parenthetical, sentence and expanded definitions. The objective is

Technical Definitions – Polymerase Chain Reaction

Hello Team, Here is my Technical Definitions assignment below. Original PDF version of assignment can be found here: 301 Janice Pang Technical Definitions. Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to write definitions for a specific audience


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