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  • ifeoma 9:07 pm on November 20, 2011
    0 votes

    It has been an interesting week withMobilelearning! week11 team would like to thank everyone for making it all worthwhile. Every contribution/post made is very well appreciated and has helped to create new perspectives. While it is not possible to exhaust all the possibilities that exist within this sphere (mobile learning) in our blog, we hope […]

    Continue reading Thanks to everyone as we wrap up this week on Mobile learning Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
  • ifeoma 3:38 pm on November 20, 2011
    0 votes

    Though I am not a teacher, the organisation I work with provides professional support to school leadership across the province. Increasingly these days, some of the support and learning come in the form of web casts. To participate live, some school boards have to come together as a group, a lot of times some group […]

    Continue reading Day4:Using Mlearning to create inclusive professional learning community Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
  • ifeoma 3:30 pm on November 20, 2011
    0 votes

    However, I was intrigued that it was a great way to catch up on some reading while on the go. My daily routine requires a lot of moving around, especially at work and most of the reading I do is while in transit. I carry my work B’berry around all the time but what I […]

    Continue reading Day1/2: Sans MLearning Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
  • ifeoma 7:48 pm on November 3, 2011
    0 votes

    Will the Ipad be a game changer in the education industry? I would like to attempt to answer this question by tracing its track record so far. The slogan “there’s an app for that” was made popular by the Ipad, as far as I know. The surge of apps coming up these days testifies to […]

    Continue reading D#3: Game changing Ipad Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • jarvise 4:20 am on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      You mention the popularity of the device with digital natives, but I found it very interesting to see the demographics on who uses the ipad the most (the stat was something like 34-55 year olds…). I would have thought it was more younger people. I wonder if this has to do with the price, rather than just who wants them the most. That age group would have the most disposable income for tech gadgets. That being said, there is definitely an appeal for all. I was in bed reading an article last night, and my 15 month old baby kept scrolling the page down and laughing at me. Its like she knew which part I was reading and would swipe the screen to move it away so I couldn’t see it. I knew my other kids (3 and 5) liked it, but now I see that apparently babies love ipads. I then thought, “I wonder if there’s an app for babies?” and sure enough, I found a blog devoted to it.

      I wonder if there’s a group who aren’t interested in the ipad…


    • mcquaid 4:36 am on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      My guess is that it has something to do with what the iPad is most useful for – what it affords its users. I have seen videos of kids (particularly the 2.5-year-old girl using one, who obviously had much experience on a similar device, since she knew which places to click to go home / back, etc.) using them, as well as cats. This doesn’t mean it’s natural or great (not that it’s exactly what you were saying) for kids or cats – it just means they can interact with them. I posted the link to an article in a previous week that said users of tablets/eReaders consume more news since they acquired the device. I think, aside from other entertainment, that’s what it’s best for so far – a bit of media, and news / reading. I believe there’s a link between what they get used for the most and the age group (34 – 55-year-olds) that uses them the most.


    • Everton Walker 9:06 pm on November 4, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Great post! I too think the game-changing logo depends on several factors. We cannot classify it as that when there is no comprehensive global stats to suffice this claim. We need to watch and wait first and pay attention to the global distribution of iPad in the classroom. The potential looks great and worth investing in but it’s more of a game-changer in mobile technology; not in education as yet.


    • Deb Giesbrecht 6:16 pm on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      What does that say about branding and ‘catchy’ slogans? Its one step closer to making it a household name.

      I too noticed the comments to Laura Milligan’s blog – replace the ipad with the word netbook and you get the same thing. Will this be the future – similar functionality and and general broad statements will be said about how many other devices?!

      Portability is certainly one of the highlights this week in discussing the ipad – although I really don’t think I would take it out with me like I do my Blackberry – so its not THAT portable.

      As far as being a game changer in education – I think the potential is there, it just has not reached those lofty heights yet.

  • ifeoma 7:50 pm on November 1, 2011
    0 votes

    The Ipad appears to be today what television was to education a few decades ago. Expectedly there were supporters and refuters. Eventually, television found its way into mainstream teaching and learning, powering distance learning in its wake. I see Ipads playing a role such as television did. It has come to stay in the education […]

    Continue reading D#3: Ipad has an app for education Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 09: iPad Apps
    • hall 12:39 am on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for responding to the questions. You have made very good observation. The rate at which Apps are being produced for Ipad, one could conclude that it definitely be the number one electronic device of the twenty first century. Ipads are being used in schools as learning and teaching tools which may be widespread in the near future.

      I think as the production of other tablets and competitors to Ipads increase we may see a reduction in price of Ipads. Over the years, we have seen a gradual reduction in the prices of laptops and computer accessories due to the competition. This trend may apply to Ipads in the near future.

      • ifeoma 8:02 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Hall,
        Thanks for your comment. The proliferation of apps production has definitely put ipad in a path-finder position. I agree that it is a first choice in the mobile device arena, particularly popular with digital natives. However, remaining in that position is another matter entirely. Cost is a big issue. AS is with technology generally, price should come down as more competitors enter the playing field but I have not noticed that apple products really drop prices going with the cost of Apple laptops over the years. Hopefully, Ipads will change that.

  • ifeoma 7:49 pm on November 1, 2011
    0 votes

    While I have not used the Ipad personally for any lengthy period of time, out of curiousity, I have been to the Apple store just to explore it. The much that I know of the Ipad, it has a lot of tools and apps that would enhance and extend the way we work. In our […]

    Continue reading D#2: Ipad in the workplace Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Deb Giesbrecht 2:13 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      You raise a really good point that we did not include in our wiki – initial user frustration. Although it is deemed very user friendly, switching applications from PC to MAC based products has its challenges. I used a friend’s MAC and found that the lack of a ‘back’ button very frustrating. It is organized very differently – on purpose – and therefore switching gears for some people may be frustrating.

      I find that people have very strong feelings about Apple products – you either hate them or you love them, and once you have converted to a MAC you never go back!

      • ifeoma 8:08 pm on November 3, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks deb for your comment.You are spot on. There definitely is an initiall frustration from switching platforms and the learning curve is different for everyone even though the Macs are user friendly. It is interesting that you would mention the back button issue as I had the same experience and many others but when i began to use it, the intuitiveness of the Mac became more apparent to me. Avid Mac users are die-hard fans.

        • Deb Giesbrecht 6:24 pm on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          Yes – Apple users will never go back!

        • Deb Giesbrecht 6:31 pm on November 5, 2011 | Log in to Reply

          There was a 60 minute television program that featured Steve Jobs – just after he died. They said he purposefully designed the apple with no back button for a reason – I can’t quite remember what it was but it was something very philosophical about life – like you can never ‘go back’ in life.

  • ifeoma 7:19 pm on October 26, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: week8-1   

    I started using cloud technology long before I realised it. This probably holds true for a lot of people. Google, Yahoo, Facebook, and a bunch of other common social networks we are familiar with have all moved to the cloud. That tells me anyone who uses email, or another app from these providers is already […]

    Continue reading My Bio is walking on Cloud Posted in: Week 08: Files in the Cloud
    • jenaca 1:58 am on October 28, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi there, I also didn’t realize I was using cloud technology before this class. I think you are right that most people don’t even realize they are using different kinds of “clouds’ to hold and store information.

    • hall 3:49 am on October 29, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jenaca and ifeoma,

      I have being using cloud technology long before I realized that I was using this technology. I was not until in January of this year that I realized that I was using a technology known as cloud technology. Therefore I concur with you that “most people don’t even realize they are using different kinds of “clouds’ to hold and store information.”

  • ifeoma 8:16 pm on October 22, 2011
    0 votes

    Like every venture, blogging is no different when it comes to audience demographics. Remember your audience (customer) is the venture. You must know your audience and create content and use language that they can relate to. Identify your customer (audience) Your customer goals + blog business goals= success Provide a summary of expectations Keep it […]

    Continue reading On days 3 and 4- tips/ Room to grow Posted in: Week 07: Blogs
    • bcourey 3:40 am on October 23, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Great point that your audience is your venture. So when we are creating educational blogs, who are we targeting – educators, the students, or maybe their parents – I expect that there are not many educators who would consider a blog for parents – One of the vidoe links on the Day 2 Content page shows a teacher who created a community blog from her classroom – thinking outside the classroom for a classroom blog is not a common activity. I also like your suggestion of a menu structure that would make quicker access to the content. Thanks for the link!

  • ifeoma 8:53 pm on October 19, 2011
    0 votes

    The 4 broad functions (Classroom Management, Collaboration, Discussions, Student e-portfolios) of blogs mentioned in group 2’s blog are clearly represented within the ETEC course blogs. I find that within this course ETEC 522, these 4 broad functions are iterative. Getting most of my blogging experience from ETEC, my educational use of blogs have been mostly […]

    Continue reading The 4 broad functions (Classroom Managem… Posted in: Uncategorized, Week 07: Blogs
    • verenanz 9:35 pm on October 19, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I totally agree with your comments about making a copy….that is a hard lesson to learn.

      • ifeoma 8:18 pm on October 22, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks Verena, the advice came from a personal experience in frustration from losing posts 🙂

    • jenaca 3:45 am on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you very much for your insightful advice to newcomers! This is my first ETEC class and I have been very overwhelmed at times using the different sites for posting, reading and handing in assignments.
      I will definitely keep your advice in mind:)

      • ifeoma 8:22 pm on October 22, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        You are welcome Jeneca, you are not alone, my first ETEC course was overwhelming too! The multitasking and the tons of content so you are not alone in that regard. having said that, you get better at it over time as you begin to understand your online learning patterns and style and can better articulate things. All in al, you learn not just about the course as you go along but also about yourself. 😉

    • Everton Walker 2:04 pm on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Welcome! As you mentioned, it can be a bit tedious to navigate the blogs and other sites. For the other MET course I am doing, I have to be exploring three spaces; vista, UBC blog and UBC wiki. As a result, I have to be on the ball at all time. However, I am enjoying the blogging experience as I also use it for my personal classes. Those tips by Ifeoma are very good. Even though I some experience with blogging, I type most of my posts in word processor since technology can fail at any time.


      • ifeoma 8:26 pm on October 22, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks for your post Everton, I agree with you that blogging can be an enjoyable experience. Technology helps us to extend capacities but we also have to manage it in a way that we actually make the most of it. i have been a victim of not following my own advice. i had written what I though was a n inspired post and on clicking the “reply” button- nothing! that was when I realised I had not logged in and the
        inspiration went with the initial click- frustrating. I learned my lesson the hard way.

    • Juliana 9:08 pm on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you so much for your post! Your advice is concise and well laid out.

      I do have a question for you. Where do you see blogging going in the future? What new developments do you see for its use in education?


      • ifeoma 8:40 pm on October 22, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks for your post Juliana, Good questions too. I believe there is a future for blogs. I think they have come to stay. I would like to refer you to this link with some statistics on blog influence. The article shows that by the year 2004, blog readership had grown a whooping 54%, that was 7 years ago, Currently, blogging has been shown to be garnering more power, gradually gaining entrance into mainstream .Here goes.

        In Education, I see blogs becoming a tool that teachers could use together with students, parents and guardians as a good homework tool where all involved can collaborate and leave comments. With learning analysis technology gaining speed, blogs can be extended using learning analysis in the future to track individual progress or lack of it for students. Teachers, parents/guardians and the students too can see this real time and decisions on how to better harness student learning potential can arise from this analysis.

    • Deb Kim 11:12 pm on October 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for the advice!
      Your advice is very practical. I particularly agree with you on writing in a different word processor. I sometimes get frustrated and disappointed when I lose my work by mistake. It’s really important that you do your work in a word processor and then copy and paste to the blog. An important lesson learned after repeating the same mistake many times.


      • ifeoma 8:29 pm on October 22, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Deb, the incident of losing posts is an experience I believe most of us have had, hence my reason for suggesting the tip. I am glad to see that others can relate to that too.

    • hall 4:21 am on October 23, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I like your views on blogging for newcomers. These views are very practical and important to newcomers.

  • ifeoma 8:06 pm on October 18, 2011
    0 votes

    I am not a teacher but I do get the opportunity to teach people how to use technology in my work. In a classroom scenario, knowing that security and rights issues always come up, my first step would be to review the school board’s online policy if any and ensure that the blogging activities guidelines […]

    Continue reading Blogs for classroom discuss and group projects Posted in: Week 07: Blogs
    • jenaca 4:02 am on October 19, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your thoughtful insights on blogging! I really enjoyed reading through your blog and learning your goals on how you would use blogs in the classroom. I agree with your points, as well as your reasons for using different kinds of blogs. I have the same bias as you, wordpress was my first blogging experience so I feel confident while using it!!
      Thanks for your pst!

      • ifeoma 7:34 pm on October 19, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks Janeca,
        I am glad you enjoyed reading my post. Word press was my first experience at blogging editor. Prior to that Yahoo would have been my first experience as a commentator only I didn’t realise then that it was called blogging 🙂 I have had a good experience with WordPress. I enjoy creating eportfolios with it, though they are all private and I have only comments from course mates.

    • jarvise 12:49 pm on October 19, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I like your strategy for immersing the students into the www step by step. Start private, then slowly branch out. Very sound.


    • ifeoma 7:27 pm on October 19, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks Emily,
      I believe that an online strategy is key in order to navigate any potential security and rights issues as he teacher’s job also includes the safety of her students.

    • hall 4:11 am on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi ifeoma,

      I like you post. I think your suggested goals for using the blog in the classroom are very useful and I intend to use those goals for my classroom.

    • Deb Kim 9:28 am on October 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I like your goals for blogging.
      I was also worried about my students’ names and information being exposed to strangers. As WordPress has a function that can mark my blog private and only allow people who I give permission to see my blog, I told my students to create their username on WP. My blog is only visible to the users (my students) that I’ve added. Just in case parents want to see it, I created a username and password for parents so that they can share among them. Parents share one username and password. That’s one of the great features that I like about WP – good for keeping privacy.


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