
While tablet and smart phone manufacturers are churning forward at a breakneck pace, making a fortune on humanity’s device-lust, the compelling back-story is what these devices can do – the proliferation of Apps.   And while addiction and burn-out on the distracting nature of most apps is already big news, there is also a rapid emergence of meaningful, productive and educational apps.  The app-world as a resource for learning is huge.

Opportunity Statement

It may seem like the design of successful Apps is pure chance, and less likely than the lottery.   However, as app-capable devices permeate learning environments the opportunity arises to design apps that are deliberated coupled in effective ways with every dimension of the learning experience.

Prediction Source(s) 

Educause – iPad Apps

Gartner – Media Tablets and Beyond

Gartner – Mobile-Centric Applications

Gartner – App Stores

Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll