Hi Everyone,
I have no clue as to why the sound cut out after 3 minutes. I checked my original file and the sound on there is perfect. I have uploaded it again and it seems to be working fine. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Venure Pitch:
Posted in: Venture Forum
adi 11:28 pm on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Sorry for the late post. I have had sleepless nights completing other assignments. I do apologize and mean no disrespect.
Hi Suhayl,
The problem you address is not very clear. Your product is clearly better than the others out there, but you need to highlight what problem is being solved. That aside, your product does sound interesting and you have clearly though of how to market it. The fact it is portable makes it very attractive. I would just be weary of how certain existing tools are also portable and have the option to be used in a similar way. This is also part of your competition.
Well done,