Suhayl Patel

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  • Suhayl Patel 7:01 pm on November 30, 2012
    0 votes

    Hi Everyone, I have no clue as to why the sound cut out after 3 minutes.  I checked my original file and the sound on there is perfect.  I have uploaded it again and it seems to be working fine.  Sorry for the inconvenience. Venure Pitch:

    Continue reading MultiBoard Posted in: Venture Forum
    • adi 11:28 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Sorry for the late post. I have had sleepless nights completing other assignments. I do apologize and mean no disrespect.

      Hi Suhayl,

      The problem you address is not very clear. Your product is clearly better than the others out there, but you need to highlight what problem is being solved. That aside, your product does sound interesting and you have clearly though of how to market it. The fact it is portable makes it very attractive. I would just be weary of how certain existing tools are also portable and have the option to be used in a similar way. This is also part of your competition.
      Well done,

  • Suhayl Patel 6:06 pm on November 25, 2012
    0 votes

    My Elevator and Venture pitch are based on interactive technology that enable student/teacher manipulation on any surface. Unlike the traditional smartboard and white board that server pretty much one purpose, a glorified mouse and projector that a teacher uses from the front of the baord, my idea revolved it around multiple purposes in education and […]

    Continue reading My Elevator and Venture pitch are based … Posted in: Venture Forum
    • Doug Connery 8:24 pm on November 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Suhayl:

      Unfortunately your Venture pitch looses sound at 3:14 and it does not seem to recover so I can’t really do an evaluation unless it is complete. Your delivery is great in the first three minutes of the venture pitch, however you talk very fast in the elevator pitch, I think trying to get too much in, so it is hard to follow.


    • jkotler 6:56 am on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Suhayl,

      From what I was able to learn from the elevator pitch and first few minutes of the venture pitch (as the sound cut off for me as well), I think you have a really great idea; one that I would very much like to learn more about. In particular, I like that it is pre-set for you with all the programs, doesn’t require wall mounting and is made more portable. However, besides those features, I wonder how it really differs from the SMART Board because in my experience with SMART Board, it already offers a wide range of interactive and engaging lessons and can automatically link to the internet. As well, I would like to know more about the financial plan that enables the MultiBoard to be sold at a lower cost.

      Finally, one other tip is that I found you spoke way to fast in the elevator pitch and I had to listen to it a few times just to catch what was said. I think the ideas are there and the product is great but would have been better sold in that pitch if the script was kept more brief.


    • Kent Jamieson 1:25 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I concur with Doug and Julie, in that your elevator pitch was quite fast and didn’t really seem to offer a clear message. Upon reviewing your venture pitch I was intrigued with quite a few facets of your presentation. It was too bad the sound went out when it did, as your pitch was really gaining momentum.
      I also wanted to know more about ‘Multi-learn’. what is that?

      I will say that i disagreed with your critique of Smartboard technology. I use mine almost daily and have never even used the programs installed therein and still find it quite engaging because of it’s connectivity to the internet. You really are only limited by your own imagination.

      Because your presentation cut out I don’t think I can go any further with comments or a possible investment.
      If you do fix the bug I would be interested in seeing the rest!

    • teacherben 8:06 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I like the elevator. Nice touch.

      Like the others, I think it went too fast. And the elevator pitch should really be a slick product in itself. This wasn’t particularly slick. For example, you stumbled on a few lines in there and probably should have cleaned that up. So while I am always attracted to ideas that involve combining cool gadgets, you didn’t sell me on this one. Good luck.

    • Colin 10:13 pm on November 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I liked the idea of your product and it definitely would be something I would be interested in seeing and assessing whether to use it in the classroom. Though you had enthusiasm in your presentation you stumbled a few times and made mistakes like forgetting the “e” in Venture. These mistakes can hurt a presentation even if the product is good. As for the rest the sound cut out so I wouldn’t be able to evaluate. Overall I liked the product idea.

    • rebeccaharrison 9:24 am on November 29, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I like the idea as a teacher, but your pitch, although interesting, was difficult to understand. Additionally I have seen some similar technologies, so perhaps including some information on how exactly this product is different would have bolstered it for me, and perhaps changed my opinion. Despite the great idea, I would not invest in this venture.

    • pcollins 10:55 pm on November 29, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Job well done in the beginning Suhayl.

      I could here the belief and support for your product coming through with your voice annotations in the elevator pitch. The multiboard is an interesting idea and worth of investment investigation. I did my best to piece together what the offerings/askings were for this product but the sound cuts and doesn’t return.


    • cunnian 12:05 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Suhayl,
      I liked your elevator pitch as it did a good job of explaining your product. As others have identified, it wasn’t terribly polished, but it did do the job. I think that the product is innovative and does address a relevant problem. It is unfortunate that the audio cuts out in your venture pitch as I would have liked to have known what the expected retail price would be so that I could determine if such a product could compare with others, like SMART boards.
      I do have to pass on this one mainly because too much is unknown. However, if you are able to post a transcript of what you would have said in the rest of your venture pitch, I would be interested to read it.

  • Suhayl Patel 7:57 am on October 14, 2012
    0 votes

    Hi all, I was woindering if anyone knows where we are supposed to post assignment 1.

    Continue reading Assignment 1 Posted in: Questions & Answers
  • Suhayl Patel 9:14 am on October 3, 2012
    0 votes

    I am finding this week (unit) to be very fascinating and something that wouldn’t have been part of the course content even a couple of years.  Mobile learning is taking on a life of its own and students and teachers are both reaping the rewards.  I find now that with the plethora of educational apps […]

    Continue reading E-clicker Posted in: Week 05:
    • visramn 1:33 pm on October 3, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Suhayl,

      I think you are absolutely right. Learning and teaching has changed so much due to the abundant resources that keep surfacing and accessibility is getting better. I know as a teacher I have had a lot of issues when it comes to obtaining the resources needed to use beneficial technology. Thanks for sharing your experience with e-clicker. That is definitely a resource that can help all students get involved and that was not available even a few years.


    • Peggy Lawson 5:22 pm on October 3, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I liked your comment Suhayl, about likely not having an “app” component to this course a few years ago. I think this is an important aspect of this course – the recognition that we must continually be an EVA. Technology changes occur so frequently, there will always be a need to evaluate ventures that are appropriate or not for our own particular situations – whether as an investor or as a purchaser. It will be the basic skills we learn from being an effective EVA – and not the evaluation of the specific items we are analyzing – that will be the lessons we want to take from this course.


      • Suhayl Patel 7:20 pm on October 3, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        You’re absolutely right Peggy. I learned very early in my role in the learning and Innovations department that you can’t be like the Raccoon who puts his hand in a tiny hole to reach for a shiny object. When raccoon grasps the shiny object and makes the fist to clench it, he won’t be able to get his fist out because of the size of the hole and the size of its fist. No matter what, the raccoon will not let go of the shiny object in order to get his hands out. The same things apply to evaluating educational resources and tools. Although novelty and attractiveness are appealing, we have to learn to focus on our intent when it comes to actually leveraging the tool. I highly recommend reading Micheal Fullan’s book Stratosphere. It talks about adopting technology as a pedogogical tool to bring about (educational) change, and how they all must be pieced together for effective use and iplementation.

  • Suhayl Patel 12:58 pm on September 15, 2012
    0 votes

    I can’t imagine a better course to have taken this semester. I have to say that this course gives me a much different vibe than any other course I have ever taken. I recently accepted a position as a Learning and Innovation Specialist with the public board, and I came from 5 years as a […]

    Continue reading education=commerce Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • lullings 5:36 pm on September 15, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hey Supatel,

      Congratulations on the new position. It definitely sounds exciting.
      Its so exciting that you are working with the likes of Apple and Google to provide such up to date packages and hardware.
      I am highly interested in the comment that you made that you were the one doing the research and negotiating but you said that you ‘can’t imagine’ how much money’ these cost.
      What is the process here – do you liase with the global brands in terms of functionality and then pass your findings on to ‘an accountant’ to decide which of your recommendations to choose? As a business that is ‘loosing money’ I can already tell you the answer there!!!!

      Are the cheque writers even further removed from the negotiation process, as in its not now the people in the know at a managerial level, its people who read their reports and then decide on a financial basis.

      Or have I misunderstood your post??

    • supatel 4:06 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      So as far as I know we make a pitch to our superiors on technology that might be something worth purhcasing. Along the process, the finances are discussed usually, involving both the public board and the provincial government.

      Sometimes I do the negotiating with a laison from a company but more often, i have nothing to do with that. It all depends on the magnitude and complication of the situation. Last week me and a colleague were on the phone with MS trying to get a good enough deal to purchase an office suite that we could sell to the students on a laptop purchase/lease program.

      When it comes to freeware and online tools that don’t cost any money, we do the PIA (privacy impact assessment) and the legal dept goes over it and makes sure we are covered as a board if we so choose to use the tool.

      In the end, i’m really a small pawn on a large chess board, but it’s an unbelievable learning opportunity.


    • visramn 5:22 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply


      Congratulations on your new job. That is really interesting that you got too see how technologies function at the ground level in schools and now you are getting to see what the business side looks like. This course is definitely well suited for your new position. Thanks for sharing the insights you have gained from your job. It is always nice to see what you are leaning in action.
      I find that a lot of educators think from the heart and do not associate teaching and learning with business (well at least at the primary and secondary level). As an educator who has only worked in schools, I find it very hard to see the business aspect of teaching. That is one of the reasons I took this course. I look forward to reading more of your posts because I think your insight will help me to build on the understandings I am hoping to gain from this course.

    • David Vogt 8:39 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for opening this discussion, Suhayl, and congrats as well on your exciting new mandate in the world of learning!

      My experience has mostly been on the other side of your equation – with the companies that are negotiating directly with superintendents and ministry officials for the deals you are completing the groundwork for. Unfortunately it is seldom a fulfilling experience for those that care about learning, which is why I’m so interested that ETEC522 enables more teachers to become active, leading participants in the process.

      I’ll give you one example, which should be simple and eye-opening. I don’t know how many hundreds of millions of K-12 students there are worldwide, but it is a HUGE market. However, there has only ever been one device that has ever been designed entirely and comprehensively for the specific requirements of this market. Desktops, laptops, ipads, etc, etc, weren’t designed for learners, they were designed for office workers and home consumers. That’s why there have always been so many problems with applying these technologies in the classroom. How do I know this? Because one of my companies designed what I believe is still the one and only wireless laptop designed exclusively for K-12 (I don’t include the One Laptop Per Child devices for a different reason, and I won’t delve into my company’s story here).

      The following may be a minor over-statement but most large companies treat education as a dumping ground for technology they can’t sell anymore into corporate markets. This includes devices and software. Schools get it cheap because the technology is essentially remaindered. Value for learning is rarely a priority.

      I don’t believe I’m cynical or pessimistic. In fact, I’ve never been more excited for learning, because the agility and versatility of the information technologies marketplace is awesomely great right now from an education perspective. It has never been so fertile.

      Let me end my fun little rant with an analogy from a different huge, cumbersome, complex market. When we think of the “health” sector it isn’t really about health at all, it is about “illness management” because that’s where lots of money can be made. A societal focus on health promotion would cost much less and support a much smaller industry. So what is the learning market really about?

      Being provocative is part of my job…


    • rebecca42 10:39 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting and provocative.

      Most of the things I have come across in the “learning market”, via our school district, have been basic fact practice activities or games, and programs aimed at students who are low in math or reading. Everything I have seen has been focussed on closing the gap between students who are not yet meeting expectations and students who are. These programs are often put in place for struggling readers and are redundant for many students.

      From what I see the market right now there is not a lot out there for enrichment activities, particularly at the elementary level. As an example, many students are able to understand complex games, so why not also supplement critical thinking teaching with an RPG?

      Perhaps part of it comes from the public school goals. Districts are often looking for alternative means to bring students up to standards, so their funding is often directed at this. Not very unlike the “health” sector. With limited funds, enormous classes, minimal support staff and financial cuts all around, their position can be understood.

      So what can be done about this? I see a lot happening at the university/college level and some at the highschool level locally. There are more and more interesting and educational content/programs/opportunities online. I’d be very interested in seeeing enrichment technologies that require more than rote q&a. Things that get students to really think deeply and work through problems.

      Supatel, your job sounds great! Do you find that there is a focus on “levelling” technology or is equal attention (and funding) given to enrichment?

  • Suhayl Patel 1:25 pm on September 6, 2012
    0 votes

    I’m reposting this as I think it went to the wrong place the first time: Hi, My name is Suhayl Patel and currently reside in Calgary Alberta.  This is my 6th course in the MET program and am looking forward to working and learning through out this term.  I have never taken a course that […]

    Continue reading I’m reposting this as I think it went t… Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • tomwhyte1 7:48 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Welcome fellow Albertan. Sounds like an interesting role you have in the CBE. Hope we could share some idea’s.


      • supatel 1:55 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Tom,

        This is absoutely an amazing role. A lot of work that I currently do is directly related to new initiatives that we are trying to implement as a board and a lot of it requires us dealing with corporate partners like Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc. I am definitely gaining a more corporate/business experience as opposed to the classroom experience that i’ve had in the past.

    • C. Ranson 11:58 am on September 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Suhayl,

      I think we were in ETEC 530 together. I haven’t taken a course that is offered from a weblog but have created sites on this weblog in a few other courses. Gives you an opportunity to go back and re-visit some of your old work and look at it with a fresh view and edit.


      • supatel 1:55 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I’m almost certain we have take 530 together. Welcome to the course. I look forward to working with you again!

  • Suhayl Patel 3:15 pm on September 5, 2012
    0 votes

    Hi, My name is Suhayl Patel and currently reside in Calgary Alberta.  This is my 6th course in the MET program and am looking forward to working and learning through out this term.  I have never taken a course that was located on a blog and am interested in this first-time experience. Currently I work […]

    Continue reading Hi, My name is Suhayl Patel and currentl… Posted in: General
    • kstackhouse 8:50 am on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Welcome Suhayl. Sounds like an interesting position that you have begun. It is nice to know that there are positions out there focusing on Learning and Innovation. I am sure that this course and the other MET courses will help you. Best of luck this term.


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