My last participation :-(
It was interesting to go back and reflect upon my participation. I agree that a platform that helps you keep a better track of your own posts would be useful, and perhaps doing this same participation reflection half way through the course. Regarding the platform we used, I agree it is perhaps not the best […]
Continue reading My last participation :-( Posted in: General
C. Ranson 6:10 pm on December 2, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Congratulations to you and cheers for your completion of MET!.
What a great idea being able to go back and make some final revisions to Assignment 3 after all the peer feedback. The other suggestion would be to make the font larger and a different text style in the reply section so those of use that can’t see as well as we use to could actually see when we have made a typo, once you hit reply there is no turning back or method to make any corrections. But I do agree with your comment about how brilliant this course is.
This course provided a significant amount of new knowledge construction and created some very interesting and meaningful discussion.
Catherine 🙂
adi 4:50 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thank you Catherine. Good luck with the rest of your courses. 🙂
Peggy Lawson 5:33 am on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Congratulations Adriana on completing your MET program! I’m sorry we didn’t cross paths earlier. I’ve enjoyed your posts and your work in this course. All the best!
adi 4:51 pm on December 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thank you Peggy. I enjoyed your posts and venture pitch. Good luck with the rest of your courses 🙂