Hello there!
I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Kristy and I will be one of the contributors to iMech this year. I’ve never written a blog, or done much writing that isn’t point form recently in fact, so you’ll have to bear with me as I try to get into the groove of full sentences. 🙂
UBC and I go way back. I did my Undergrad here in the Mech department, graduated in 2009, and started my Masters this past September. I never really thought I would do my Masters, so quickly after my undergrad anyway, but life is interesting that way and here I am and enjoying it! (See proof below).
A lot of different areas of mechanical engineering interest me, but I am most interested in medical device design which is the subject of my thesis project (of which I’m sure many more entries will follow!).
I look forward to writing about my experiences through this program! Please feel free to contract me anytime with any questions or comments at kwiens@mech.ubc.ca, and I look forward to getting to e-know you.