2014W Term 2 TA Orientation Session


Hello LFS TAs,

This is a reminder about the TA Orientation session for new and returning TAs on January 16th (tomorrow!).

At the 2-hour orientation, you will become familiar with:

• Resources on campus that can be used to build your teaching skills
• Key people and policies relevant to the TA role
• What you can expect in your position as an LFS TA

When: 4-6pm on January 16th, 2014

Where: MCML 350


The orientation will also include a free pizza dinner.

Register here before January 15th at midnight to secure your spot in this event. If you would like to come but are unable to attend for the entire 2hrs, just let us know.

If you have any questions, please e-mail bryannathiel@gmail.com. And stay tuned for other upcoming TA Training events throughout the term!


Dru and Bryanna

LFS TA Training Coordinators