Welcome to the LFS TA Info Portal!
This site was created to provide answers to prospective and current LFS Teaching Assistants about TA appointments.
Students, administrators, and instructors will find information and instructions – a one-stop site for ‘all things TA’ within the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.
Browse through the pages of this blog – a work in progress – to learn a few things, and find answers to your questions.
If your question is not answered, email me for assistance. You will help this portal grow, and address the issues and concerns we learn of from our TA’s and instructors.
We are committed to researching and developing ways of supporting you by providing our TA’s with in-house training opportunities and access to workshops and orientation sessions. In addition, we have created an orientation and performance evaluation process designed with student professional development in mind.
Another way we recognize and acknowledge the importance of TAs to our Faculty, is by creating the LFS Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards. Our first recipient of this new award was announced in Summer 2015. With the addition of this award, we are now able to annually recognize outstanding performance through the LFS Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, and the Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. For more information on graduate awards, contact the LFS Graduate Studies Office or check this link.
For our new and returning TA’s, we sincerely hope your experience as a Teaching Assistant with us is enjoyable.
Virginia Frankian
Academic Coordinator, Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Thanks to the originator of the LFS TA Info Portal:
Shelley Small
Graduate Program and Research Manager