Job Descriptions


There are approximately 200 TA positions available within LFS during Winter Session and approximately 20 TA positions during Summer Session.

The job description for each course with TA position(s) available can be seen in the TA Application.

To view TA openings, sign in to the TA Application with your CWL. Click on the Explore Jobs page, choose one of the Sessions listed. To view a Job Description, click on the turquoise Document icon in the Job column, next to the course listing. 

We are required to post the TA application from March 31 to April 30 each year for Winter Session TA positions. The assigned hours vary from about 20 to 192 hours per TA’ship.

The number of TA hours available per course are not confirmed until the LFS TA budget has been set (in late spring) and preliminary enrolment numbers are known (early summer).TA hours aren’t finalized until May-June.

TA hours assigned to each TA vary. Please note that it is at the instructor’s discretion to assign one or multiple TA’s to a course and to assign hours as required.

If you receive an Offer, the specific number of hours to be assigned to you will be stated in the Offer email.