2014 LFS Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award


Congratulations to Bryanna Thiel, MSc student, Soil Science, on receiving the 2013/14 Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. UBC annually awards teaching prizes to 16 UBC Teaching Assistants in recognition of the valuable role they play in our undergraduate programs. Bryanna, a TA for the Land, Food and Community II (LFS 350) course taught by Associate Professor Eduardo Jovel, brings a great deal of enthusiasm and commitment and displays a strong interest in making sure the course lives up to her high standards. Bryanna is supervised by Dr. Sean Smukler.

2014 Winter Session TA Applications


The 2014 Winter Session TA on-line application has been closed.  Thank you to those students who submitted an application.  The list of applicants will be distributed to instructors within the next week.