2014 Winter Session, Term 2 TA Orientation


Hello LFS TAs,

Will you be TAing for the first time next term (Winter 2014 Term 2)?
An orientation session has been planned to help you get started!

You are invited to the LFS TA Training Orientation! This event is for new TAs for 2014 Winter Session term 2 TA and returning TAs who have not attended the orientation sessions yet. If you will be TA’ing in LFS in any capacity in 2014 Winter Session, the Faculty STRONGLY encourages your attendance. The Orientation Session will include informational sessions about TA rights and responsibilities, the TA training program, and the NEW TA Evaluation Program, which is mandatory for all LFS TAs. Case studies related to usual scenarios that TAs typically encounter will also be discussed.

At the orientation, you will become familiar with:

  • Resources on campus that can be used to build your teaching skills
  • Key people and policies relevant to the TA role
  • The expectations of you as a TA and what you can expect in your position
  • How to best manage or respond to potential challenging classroom situations
  • Strategies for working in a multidisciplinary courses that are group work focused

and you’ll have an opportunity to meet fellow TAs!

Date:   January 5, 2015 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
and Coffee:   9:30 am
Sessions:   10:00 am – 11:45 am
Where:   FNH 220 (Food, Nutrition, and Health Building)

**Free morning coffee, lunch, and refreshments provided.

Please register before December 18, 2014 midnight, for planning and catering purposes, also if you can only attend part of the orientation.

For registration, please send an email to mksara@alumni.ubc.ca with your name, classes you will be TAing, and whether you have any dietary restrictions.

See you in January!


TA Orientation – January 5, 2015


Mark the date!

The 2014 Winter Session, term 2 TA Orientation has been set for January 5th from 9:00 – 11:30 am.

Additional information, including location and program, will be posted when available.

TA Coffee Hour – November 13 2:00-3:00 pm MCML 350


Hello LFS TAs,

Let’s get together next week for a FREE coffee break and a casual group discussion about our TA experiences!

We are very excited to have Dr. Hannah Wittman with us, discussing TA issues in the faculty.

When? Thursday, November 13th from 2:00-3:00 pm
Where? McMillan building , room 350 

You do not need to register for this event, but it would be great if you can join the event on FACEBOOK, so we can have enough coffee for everyone!

Note: You are eligible for an acknowledgement letter from the LFS faculty once you have participated in 4 workshops this year (2014-2015), so let the counting begin!

If you have any questions, please email schrod10@mail.ubc.ca or mksara@alumni.ubc.ca.