Learn about UBC’s Early Alert Program


Dear LFS TAs,

Join us for a FREE lunch tomorrow February 17th at 12PM in FNH 300 and learn more about the UBC Early Alert Program.

This is the 3rd Community of Practice we are offering through the TA Training program. This time, we have the pleasure of Kyle Nelson joining us and talking about a program that aims to provide support for students who are facing difficulties that put their academic success at risk.

“With Early Alert, faculty, staff and TA’s can identify their concerns about students sooner and in a more coordinated way. This gives students the earliest possible connection to the right resources and support, before difficulties become overwhelming.”

***Wraps, veggies, and dessert will be provided as complementary lunch for everyone who joins us!***

Please, register with Sara (mksara@alumni.ubc.ca) ASAP and provide any information on dietary restrictions you may have for planning purposes.

*REMEMBER: Participating in four workshops offered through the TA Training Program will qualify you to receive a letter of recognition*