
Unclaimed rebate cheques will be returned to CUPE 2278 on Friday, July 1, 2016

I still have 10 CUPE 2278 Health Rebate Cheques for our 2015 Winter Session TA’s.  All have been sent a “final notice” email.

2015 Winter Session TA Health Rebate Cheques

The 2015 Winter Session TA health rebate cheques (in the amount of $118) are now ready for pick-up.

You can either pick-up your cheque in person or have someone pick it up for you provided they have a signed note from you authorizing them to pick up your cheque on your behalf.  Due to the number of cheques we receive, we are not able to mail them out.  All unclaimed cheques will be returned to the union office by the end of June 2016.

Teaching Perspectives for TAs Survey


All 2015 Summer Session and 2015 Winter Session LFS TA’s were sent an invitation “to participate in a study that investigates Teaching Assistant teaching practices, Teaching Assistant attitudes about teaching, and Teaching Assistant perceptions of the teaching climate at UBC.”

The survey will be open until July 6, 2016.  Your feedback is greatly valued and we are hoping for a good representation from our LFS TA’s.

The survey can be accessed here:

2016 Winter Session TA Offers


Instructors have been selecting their TA’s for 2016 Winter Session.  Please note: offers are send out on Mondays and Fridays.

Instructors have been given July 4th as the deadline to select their 2016 Winter Session TA’s (for both term 1 and term 2 positions).