TA Position Available – Winter Session Term 2


FRE 385 001 – 48 TA support hours

Job Description:


  • Attend weekly lab sessions to assist students, and hold weekly office hours
  • Preparation each week to become familiar with the lab assignments
  • TA will help mark weekly lab assignments (12 assignments)
  • Invigilate three exams


Education and Knowledge Requirements: Preference will be given to students who have a strong quantitative background as demonstrated by achieving high grades in classes on statistics, finance, programming, and/or mathematics for economists.

Experience: Preference will be given to students who have previously taken FRE 385.

Skills: Preference will be given to students who have strong Excel skills and are comfortable answering questions from students during TA office hours.

Contact:  Gabi Menard – gabrielle.menard@ubc.ca