LFS 150 Teaching Assistant Positions – due April 30


Are you interested in improving learning experiences for first year students?  Do you want to actively contribute both in and out of class to a new and unique small class environment?  Would you like to develop skills and gain knowledge as a Teaching Assistant that will benefit you long after the course ends?

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems is offering a new core course starting in September 2014 – LFS 150 (Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems).  For 2014W we will be offering 4 sections;  2 in each term of winter session.  To review the job description for the position of Teaching Assistant and to apply, please refer to the following link: http://www.landfood.ubc.ca/undergraduate/career-programs/student-jobs.

For additional information, you can contact the course coordinator, Alice Cassidy, at cassidya@exchange.ubc.ca

REMINDER:  The deadline for submitting an online application for a TA position within LFS is Wednesday, April 30th
