LFS Training Program Coordinator Posting


We are looking for one graduate student to join the LFS TA Training Coordination team for the 2015-2016. The team currently consists of Theresa Schroder and Sara Moukarzel, both of whom are PhD students in the Human Nutrition program. We would particularly welcome a new team member who is a LFS grad student working out of MacMillan building.

This position pays $28.50/hour for approximately a 57 hour contract. There is some flexibility in when the hours are worked, but generally they are as follows:

Month Coordination Hours
July/August 23
September 10
Oct/Nov/Dec 10
January 7
Feb/March/April 7

Background: LFS TA Training Program

The Faculty of Land & Food Systems has on average an annual total of 170 Teaching Assistantships, filled by approximately 100 Teaching Assistants. All TA positions involve very different duties and skills. TAs in the Faculty are responsible for: marking and assessing student work, leading science labs, facilitating community and problem-based learning, giving lectures, monitoring in-class and online discussions, providing instruction on field trips, and more.

We are excited to offer LFS TAs with a faculty-wide development program which has included in the last two years:

  • Development of a Teaching Assistant Handbook
  • Problem-based Learning Workshop
  • Instructional Skills Workshop
  • TA Orientation Day
  • 2-hour Workshops on Various Topics
  • Term 2 TA Orientation Day
  • Monthly TA Community of Practice Coffee Hours
  • Access to Faculty-based Support for TAs

The overall program objectives are 1) to have TAs feel better prepared and supported in their TA roles, 2) to allow TAs to gain valuable professional skills (applicable beyond this year’s TA-ships), 3) to receive feedback from instructors and TAs on the skills they would like TAs to gain and 4) to establish a culture of Teaching Assistantships, where TAs and faculty are actively involved in a community of teaching and learning in LFS.

Coordinator Job Responsibilities

  • Assist in the preparation of TA Training Grant application for UBC
  • Develop 2016-2017 TA Training Program (based on previous years records)
  • Develop 2016-2017 TA Training Program budget (based on previous years records)
  • Update 2015-2016 TA Handbook
  • Coordinate and facilitate Term 1 and Term 2 Orientations
  • Coordinate and facilitate monthly Community of Practice meetings
  • Coordinate specialty workshops (e.g., PBL, 2-hour workshops, Instructional Skills Workshop)
  • Keep accurate accounting records of spending
  • Monitor and record success of each TA Training Program activity with recommendations for improvement
  • Develop Term 1 and Term 2 progress reports
  • Put together project report for Granting agency
  • Maintain records in an open source (Google Drive) folders
  • Promote high standard of teaching and learning in the faculty to students, TAs, instructors, faculty, staff and administration
  • Facilitate meetings with Faculty Advisory Committee (approximately 3 times/year)


  • Graduate student (Masters or PhD) in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems for 2015-2016 academic year
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Highly effective organizer and developed coordination skills
  • Trained facilitator
  • Proficient public speaker
  • Strong interest in how we learn and teach
  • Knowledge of campus-wide resources available to TAs for their teaching practice
  • TA experience (preferably in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems)
  • Self-driven and ability to work on your own


Please submit all resumes and cover letters to Gwen Chapman, Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Land and Food Systems by May 15, 2015. Applications should be sent by email to gwen.chapman@ubc.ca. Only successful applicants will be contacted for an interview. Position start date is June 1, 2015.

If you have any questions about the position, please direct them to the 2014-2015 TA Training Program Coordinators, Theresa Schroder (schrod10@mail.ubc.ca) or Sara Moukarzel (mksara@alumni.ubc.ca).

Certificate Program for Graduate Students


The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology is excited to announce a new Certificate Program for graduate students.

The Graduate Certificate Program in Higher Education is a 1.5 year long program open to all graduate students who have completed an Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) and will remain graduate students until the end of the year 2016. It supports the development of graduate students’ expertise in teaching and learning, and allows practice based teaching development within and beyond disciplines.

Please apply online by June 15, 2015: http://ctlt.ubc.ca/programs/all-our-programs/graduate-student-certificate-program/

2015 Winter Session TA Application is now open!!!


The 2015 Winter Session TA application is now OPEN! As we were late getting the new application posted, we’ve been granted an extension by CUPE 2278 to keep it open until May 15.

Apply here

A great opportunity to expand your career and employment skills!

The Faculty of Land & Food Systems has approximately 200 Teaching Assistant positions available during 2015 Winter Session (September 2015 to April 2016).   East listed course will be assigned a set number of TA support hours.  Instructors are responsible for determining the assigned number of hours for each TA.  TA’s are appointed based on their classification (see SCHEDULE A – WAGES AND CLASSIFICATIONS of the CUPE 2278 Collective Agreement).

Please note this is a NEW online application that we started using for 2015 Summer Session TA’s.  Carefully read all instructions and provide all requested information.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

One last note – over the last 10 months, there have been several changes to the SIN application process for international students that have resulted in delays in obtaining new or renewed SIN’s. International students must be able to provide an SIN and a valid study permit that covers the terms of their assigned TA appointment to secure a TAship offer, otherwise the offer will be rescinded. Offers for 2015 Winter Session are expected to be made between June – end of July 2015 so please make sure you have the required documentation.

The 2015 Summer Session TA Application is closed


Thank you to everyone who applied.  Instructors now have until April 16th to select their 2015 Summer Session TA’s.  If you are selected, you will receive an offer from the Manager, Graduate Programs before the end of April.


The 2015 Winter Session TA Application will be open in April 2015.

2015 Summer Session TA application is open – Apply NOW!


A limited number of teaching assistant positions are available for 2015 Summer Session.  Apply now! 

The 2015 Summer Session application will close on
Monday, March 16.

Apply here

A great opportunity to expand your career and employment skills! 

The Faculty of Land & Food Systems has approximately 20 Teaching Assistant positions available during 2015 Summer Session (May to August, 2015).   East listed course will be assigned a set number of TA support hours.  Instructors are responsible for determining the assigned number of hours to each TA.  Each appointment will be in accordance with the CUPE 2278 Collective Agreement.  Please note, TA’s are appointed based on their classification (see SCHEDULE A – WAGES AND CLASSIFICATIONS of the CUPE 2278 Collective Agreement).

Teaching Assistants:

Within LFS, all positions of teaching support service are referred to as Teaching Assistants (TA’s) and are appointed as GTA1, GTA2 or Undergraduate classifications.  TA’s will assist with a variety of course related activities, and may include setting up and assisting in laboratories, marking or assisting in marking assignments and examinations, invigilation of exams and carrying out related library work.  TA’s assigned to Problem Based Learning course will serve as the tutor (facilitator) for student group discussions.
Applicants for the Teaching Assistant positions must have a suitable background, normally be a graduate student in the course subject area; however, senior undergraduates with appropriate backgrounds can also apply. A student should not accept an offer of a TA position without discussing it with the course instructor.


Positions will be assigned in consultation with individual instructors and Academic Program Directors.

Winter Session TA Positions within LFS:

The online TA application for courses in 2015 Winter Terms 1 and 2 (September 2015 to April 2016)  will open in early April and will remain open until April 30, 2015.

Learn about UBC’s Early Alert Program


Dear LFS TAs,

Join us for a FREE lunch tomorrow February 17th at 12PM in FNH 300 and learn more about the UBC Early Alert Program.

This is the 3rd Community of Practice we are offering through the TA Training program. This time, we have the pleasure of Kyle Nelson joining us and talking about a program that aims to provide support for students who are facing difficulties that put their academic success at risk.

“With Early Alert, faculty, staff and TA’s can identify their concerns about students sooner and in a more coordinated way. This gives students the earliest possible connection to the right resources and support, before difficulties become overwhelming.”

***Wraps, veggies, and dessert will be provided as complementary lunch for everyone who joins us!***

Please, register with Sara (mksara@alumni.ubc.ca) ASAP and provide any information on dietary restrictions you may have for planning purposes.

*REMEMBER: Participating in four workshops offered through the TA Training Program will qualify you to receive a letter of recognition*

Only 3 spots left!


There are only three seats left for the FREE workshop on Marking and Assessment through CTLT.  Sign up TODAY!!!!

Date & Time: February 11, 2:00-3:00
Location : FNH 300 ( Correction from earlier email)
These workshops series not only help you develop your teaching skills, but also make a good addition to your CV and your future UBC TAship applications.As seats are limited, please register by February 4th by sending an email to mksara@alumni.ubc.ca * Refreshments and snacks will be provided.
The LFS TA training program


WORKSHOP – Marking and Assessment – February 11


Hello LFS TAs!!

We are very excited to be offering you a FREE workshop on “Marking and Assessment”, through CTLT. By the end of this session,you will be able to mark in a time-efficient manner and give feedback to students concisely, precisely, and constructively.

Date & Time: February 11, 2:00-3:00 Location : FNH 330  FNH 300

These workshops series not only help you develop your teaching skills, but also make a good addition to your CV and your future UBC TAship applications.As seats are limited, please register by February 4th by sending an email to mksara@alumni.ubc.ca  * Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

The LFS TA training program


Available TA Position – APBI 490 201 – FILLED! Thank you to everyone who was interested


The instructor of APBI 490 201 is looking for a TA for 2014W term 2 (January – April 2015).  There are 48 TA hours available.

An email, including job description, has been sent to all current LFS grad students.  The job description will be posted ASAP.

If you are interested, please contact the course instructor, Jeffery Rushen, directly at