LFS TA Orientation Day


You are invited to the LFS TA Training Orientation! This event is for new and returning TAs for both Term 1 and Term 2.

If you will be TAing in LFS in any capacity in the 2014/2015 year, the Faculty STRONGLY encourages your attendance. The Orientation Day will also include an informational session run by the TA Union, CUPE 2278, which is mandatory for all UBC teaching assistants.

At the orientation, you will become familiar with:

  • Resources on campus that can be used to build your teaching skills
  • Key people and policies relevant to the TA role
  • The expectations of you as a TA and what you can expect in your position
  • How to best manage or respond to potential challenging classroom situations
  • Strategies for working in a multidisciplinary courses that are group work focused

Date: Tuesday September 9th
and Coffee: 9:30 am
Sessions: 10am – 3:30pm
Where: AGORA CAFE, MacMillan Building (2357 Main Mall)

**Free morning coffee, lunch, and midafternoon refreshments provided.

Register here before Tuesday September 2nd at midnight, for planning and catering purposes.

If you have any questions or are unable to attend, please email schrod10@mail.ubc.ca.

LFS 150 Teaching Assistant Positions – due April 30


Are you interested in improving learning experiences for first year students?  Do you want to actively contribute both in and out of class to a new and unique small class environment?  Would you like to develop skills and gain knowledge as a Teaching Assistant that will benefit you long after the course ends?

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems is offering a new core course starting in September 2014 – LFS 150 (Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Land and Food Systems).  For 2014W we will be offering 4 sections;  2 in each term of winter session.  To review the job description for the position of Teaching Assistant and to apply, please refer to the following link: http://www.landfood.ubc.ca/undergraduate/career-programs/student-jobs.

For additional information, you can contact the course coordinator, Alice Cassidy, at cassidya@exchange.ubc.ca

REMINDER:  The deadline for submitting an online application for a TA position within LFS is Wednesday, April 30th
