NRC-CISTI in partnership with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) has launched PubMed Central Canada, a free archive of life science journals. The launch of the search interface coincided with Open Access Week (October 19-23). This interface will allow users to browse, search and download articles from the repository, as well as learn more about PMC Canada, how the repository works, and CIHR’s Policy on Access to Research Outputs.
As part of the Year of Science Zine-a-Thon contest, Woodward Library is holding a zine making workshop on Monday October 26 at 2 pm in the McKechnie room.
Kelly McElroy, MLIS Candidate at SLAIS, GAA at Woodward Library and Zine writer will be leading a workshop on how to create a science zine.
For more information, see Invitation to Science Zine Making Workshop
picture from Flickr Colorado College Zine Collection
Fine tune your research skills with the following workshops:
- September 15: PubMed: the Basics and Beyond
- September 16: Current Awareness Tools (email alerts & RSS feeds)
- September 17: RefWorks for the Sciences
For details and registration, click on the complete list of workshops in the Life Sciences.
During the summer, reference librarians are available Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm at Woodward Library, and 9am-5pm in the UBC hospital libraries. Please ask at the Circulation Desk for assistance.
You can also contact your Subject Librarian directly for help via email or telephone, or to make an appointment.

A new librarian at Woodward? Photo by Joseph Procyk
Feel like browsing in the bookstacks? But not quite ready for a trip to campus? Try a visit to the Internet Archive — Then click on texts. There are over a million books to browse; you’ll find standard formats such as PDF but also nostalgic formats such as the flip book. You’ll find almost 200,000 volumes from Canadian libraries. One of my favorites is an early volume (1905) of Canadian Nurse. And there are 30,000 amazing volumes from the Biodiversity Heritage Library Project. This project is a joint effort of natural history museum libraries, botanical garden libraries, and research institutions such as Harvard and Woods Hole. Most volumes are pre-1923. The book pictured below on whale-fishery was published in 1820.
Happy browsing!
The Cochrane Library is currently available to all Canadians for a trial period ending December 31, 2009. This pilot is a joint initiative of the Canadian Cochrane Network and Centre and the Canadian Health Libraries Association (CHLA), and was made possible by building on the leadership of the existing subscribers from provinces, territories and institutions across Canada.
For more information about the project, see the CHLA page at:
Feedback on this resource is most appreciated – please use the feedback form at:
Happy searching!
Black and white printing and photocopying price reduced! Also, you can now print in colour at all of the Life Sciences Libraries!
- Black & white printing and photocopies price reduced to 7 cents (A savings from the former cost of 12 cents per page for copying and 13 cents per page for printing.)
- Colour printing: 40 cents per copy
- double-sided printing and photocopying
Colour photocopying at Woodward Library: 40 cents per copy
Dean Giustini, Reference Librarian at the Biomedical Branch Library at Vancouver General Hospital has been honored as a 2009 Library Journal Tech Evangelist “Mover & Shaker”.
You can view the article on Dean here:
Dean was also CHLA’s Hospital Librarian of the Year in 2007.
Congratulations Dean!
The BC Research Libraries Group invites UBC faculty, staff and students to attend the following presentation:
Field Study Findings on Faculty & Researcher Use of New Models of Scholarly Publishing & Communication presented by Karla Hahn.
- Thursday, March 5, 2009, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (refreshments served 2:00 – 2:30pm)
- Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Dodson Room (Rm. 302) University of British Columbia
Please RSVP at
In the Spring of 2008, the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) engaged Ithaka, a not-for-profit organization promoting innovation in academia, to conduct an investigation into the range of new models of scholarly publishing and communication valued by scholars, with a particular focus on those works that are pushing beyond the boundaries of traditional formats and are considered innovative by the faculty who use them. A field team of 301 librarians at 46 institutions interviewed professors about the digital resources they use. Among the key findings and works Karla Hahn, Director of the Office of Scholarly Communication at ARL, will describe include:
- Evidence that innovative digital resources can be found across the humanities, social sciences, and scientific/technical/medical subject areas.
- Almost every resource cited by faculty operates under some form of peer review or editorial oversight.
- Some the resources with greatest impact are those that have been around a long while.
- Many digital publications are capable of running on relatively small budgets and are tailored to small, niche audiences.
- Innovations relating to multimedia content and Web 2.0 functionality appear in some cases to blur the lines between resource types.
- Projects of all sizes, especially open access sites and publications, employ a range of support strategies in the search for financial sustainability.
The findings were published in November 2008 and are available at:
About the Speaker
Karla Hahn has been the Director of the Office of Scholarly Communication at ARL since May 2005. Key areas of activity for the office include the assessment and implementation of selected new scholarly communication models; the development of alliances to advance new systems of scholarly communication; and advancement of library outreach efforts to inform the educational and research communities on trends, findings, opportunities, and their impact on promotion and tenure, on teaching and research, and on university budgets. Karla holds a PhD from the University of Maryland College of Information Studies, an MLS from Syracuse University, an MS from the University of Chicago, and a BS from Wittenberg University. Her writings include Electronic Ecology: A Case Study of Electronic Journals in Context and numerous articles on issues relating to publishing and electronic communication.
For more information, contact Joy Kirchner ( or Kat McGrath (
UBC Library subscribes to hundreds of electronic books from SpringerLink.
Prefer a print copy? Springer now offers a Print on Demand service for UBC faculty, staff and students wanting a personal copy from the library’s collection of Springer ebooks. You can have a black & white softcover copy delivered to your doorstep for $24.95 USD (includes shipping & handling) plus GST & PST.
Browse these collections for ebooks in your discipline
Books that can be delivered in print are indicated by the orange MyCopy logo. Simply click on Add to shopping cart now to begin the ordering process.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact UBC Librarians, Joy Kirchner or Aleteia Greenwood, or the publisher Springer.
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